Todd S. Rosenstock is an Environmental Impacts Scientist at the The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) in Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Klaus Butterbach-Bahl is Head of Department “Atmosphere/ Biosphere Interactions and Global Change” at IMK-IFU, Karlsruhe Research Centre. He is also a senior scientist in Biogeochemistry at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Kenya.
Dr. Meryl Richards is an agroecologist who joined the Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in January 2013 as a Science Officer for Theme 3: Pro-Poor Climate Change Mitigation. Her research experience and interests center around synergies and trade-offs between food security and environmental conservation in smallholder agriculture, as well as measurement of GHG emissions from agriculture. She has a particular interest in agroforestry systems and has conducted research in Central America and West Africa.
Dr. Marina Rufino is a Senior Scientist and team leader at Forest and Environment, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Indonesia. Dr. Lini Wollenberg is Research Associate Professor at the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont. She was previously the Director of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture, U. of Vermont (2007-2009); Principle Scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (1994-2005); and Program Officer for Asia’s Rural Poverty and Resources Program at the Ford Foundation (1991-1994).
Dr. Eva Wollenberg is currently Flagship Leader for Low Emissions Agriculture for CCAFS and Research Associate Professor at the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont. She was previously the Director of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture, U. of Vermont (2007-2009); Principle Scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (1994- 2005); and Program Officer for Asia’s Rural Poverty and Resources Program at the Ford Foundation (1991-1994).
1 Електронні книги від Mariana C. Rufino
Klaus Butterbach-Bahl & Meryl Richards: Methods for Measuring Greenhouse Gas Balances and Evaluating Mitigation Options in Smallholder Agriculture
??This book provides standards and guidelines forquantifying greenhouse gas emissions and removals in smallholder agricultural systemsand comparing options for climate change mitigation based on emis …