Franklin P. Williams III
Professor of Juvenile Justice, Prairie View A&M University
Professor Emeritus, California State University, San Bernardino
Ph.D. (1976) Florida State University
Specialization: Criminological theory, corrections, fear of crime, drug abuse, methodology and statistics.
Dr. Williams has taught at departments in five universities and has published a substantial number of articles, research monographs and government reports, and books. He has served as a department chair (Cal State, San Bernardino), Assistant Director for Research (Sam Houston State), Coordinator of the Doctoral Program (Prairie View A&M) and directed numerous research projects and two centers. He has served on or been elected to the boards of national scholarly organizations, chaired a major division of a national organization, and chaired/served on numerous national/regional committees. He has been an editor or deputy/associate editor for several journals and publisher’s book and monograph series. He is currently serving as co-editor of two book series, an encyclopedia, and is beginning work on the fourth edition of a popular theory textbook (with over 100 articles, books, and reports published). His most recent book is Imagining Criminology.
8 Електронні книги від Marilyn D. McShane
Marilyn D. McShane & Frank (Trey) P. Williams: Encyclopedia of Juvenile Justice
‘The contributors consistently present complex material with a readable style relatively free of technical jargon. Accordingly, this outstanding reference work is highly recommended for school and pu …
Marilyn D. McShane & Frank P. Williams: Encyclopedia of American Prisons
Original essays by corrections experts The United States has the lightest incarceration rate in the world and crime is one of the major driving forces of political discourse throughout the country. I …
Marilyn D. McShane & Frank P. Williams: Encyclopedia of American Prisons
Original essays by corrections experts The United States has the lightest incarceration rate in the world and crime is one of the major driving forces of political discourse throughout the country. I …
Marilyn McShane & Frank Williams III: Criminology Theory
This highly acclaimed criminology text presents an up-to-date review of rational choice theories, including deterrence, shaming, and routine activities. It also incorporates current examples of deter …
Marilyn McShane & Frank Williams III: Criminology Theory
This highly acclaimed criminology text presents an up-to-date review of rational choice theories, including deterrence, shaming, and routine activities. It also incorporates current examples of deter …
McShane Marilyn D. McShane & Cavanaugh Michael Cavanaugh: Understanding Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
This book provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge look at the problems that impact the way we conduct intervention and treatment for youth in crisis today-an indispensable resource for practitioners, …
Williams Frank P. Williams & McShane Marilyn D. McShane: Youth Violence and Delinquency
Juvenile crime and violence has always piqued the public’s interest. Indeed, each generation of Americans tends to define the youth crime problem as more serious than any previous generation. Even th …