Sabine Broeck ist Professorin für (Afro-)Amerikanistik, Gender Studies und Black Diaspora Studies an der Universität Bremen.
Carsten Junker, Dr. phil., ist wiss. Mitarbeiter für English-Speaking Cultures/American Studies an der Universität Bremen.
7 Електронні книги від Marina Grzinic
Marina Grzinic & Sefik Tatlic: Necropolitics, Racialization, and Global Capitalism
This book articulates a contemporary, globalized world as one in which radical disparities in distribution of wealth are being reproduced as the basis for depoliticized social, institutional, and ide …
Marina Gržinić & Aneta Stojnić: Regimes of Invisibility in Contemporary Art, Theory and Culture
This book places a focus on the regimes of in/visibility and representation in Europe and offers an innovative perspective on the topic of global capitalism in relation to questions of race, class, g …
Marina Gržinić & Aneta Stojnić: Shifting Corporealities in Contemporary Performance
This book investigates how contemporary artistic practices engage with the body and its intersection with political, technological, and ethical issues. Departing from the relationship between corpore …
Sabine Broeck & Carsten Junker: Postcoloniality – Decoloniality – Black Critique
Wie gelingt es, die noch heute anhaltenden Folgen von Kolonisierung und Versklavung theoretisch und methodisch umfassend zu begreifen? Der Band unternimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme von Positionen der Pos …
Marina Grzinic: Opposing Colonialism, Antisemitism, and Turbo-Nationalism
This volume gathers together reflections on racism and nationalism, empowerment and futurity. It focuses on collective amnesia in regards to traumatic events of the European past and the ways in whic …
Marina Grzinic & Jovita Pristovsek: Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theories, Trans Bodies
This book opens a discussion on bodies, gender, and decolonial horizons, subjects that are increasingly becoming a political front in the search for justice. It offers an in-depth look at the positio …
Marina Grzinic & Jovita Pristovsek: Re-Activating Critical Thinking in the Midst of Necropolitical Realities
This volume takes as its starting point the question of whether there is a pluriversal generation, a younger group of scholars who do not necessarily collaborate or know each other, but who are curre …