The qualities of a leader have long been touted as crucial in business. Recently however, the managerial expertise that is absolutely crucial to complement these leadership skills has become a little unfashionable; to our collective detriment!
This book will help you – the manager – succeed in your job. You’ll find it full of tools and tips and the answers to many practical questions such as:
• How can we give our staff the time and attention they need?
• How can we support different behavioural styles?
• How can we best deliver direct feedback?
• How can we prepare for and succeed in tough conversations?
Chapter 1: Make Time.
Chapter 2: Be Present.
Chapter 3: Coach First.
Chapter 4: Be Direct.
Chapter 5: Develop Yourself.
Chapter 6: Develop Others.
Chapter 7: Stay Well.
This book is designed to be a helpful resource not only for new or untrained managers, but also for more experienced managers and small business owners like Darren. It’s designed to give you the tools that weren’t easilyavailable to me in my first people-leading role.
I have now worked as a corporate trainer in New Zealand and Australia
for 14 years. During this time I have led workshops for a range of medium
to large enterprises, training over 20, 000 participants. All these organisations are designing, creating, selling, and adding value to a range of products
and services.
The number-one thing that amazes me as I meet people from these organisations is that the majority of the issues they face are not about the changing market, disruptions in the way they do business, new technologies and innovations, or even new competitors. The greatest complexity, which they all have in common, is in managing their people.
One of the outcomes of reading this book will be to free up your time. By giving you back this time, you’ll be able to:
slow down and allow yourself to think and plan ahead
better support your direct reports
be disciplined in your daily work tasks
decide what to do and, most importantly, what not to do
plan the next steps in your own career.
This book sets out to provide you with practical tools to use with your people.It is designed to give you the confidence to have 1 on 1s, to give feedback, tocoach your people, to know where their individual ‘skill’ and ‘will’ levels are at, and to anticipate what support they need.
We’ll work through a series of topics, chapter by chapter, building up yourtoolbox. At the end of the book you’ll find a collection of worksheets andtools, which can also be easily downloaded off my website at ‘www.mark-’. These are simple, effective, tried-and-true tools that make managing people effective and enjoyable.
Some of the questions we will answer include:
How can we give our staff the time and attention they need by prioritising 1 on 1s?
How can we take into account the different behavioural styles of our people?
How can we best deliver direct feedback for improved outcomes? How can we prepare for and succeed in tough conversations?
This book sets out to answer these and many other practical questions, and provide tools and tips to help you – the manager – succeed in your job.