Автор: Martin Bolt

The author, in his more than 50 yerars of life, went though many trials and tribulations., jobs, countries, relationschips, business adventures. religions. After an already full and fulfilled life, I had to answer the question for myself, what for? Why am I doing this? Why is anybody doing this? Are there basic fundamentals each individual shares? Do we all have common denominators independent of race, upbringing, language and culture? These are the things I like to dive into, the fundamentals of life so to speak. And besides all of that, I felt the subject of honesty was crminally underrated and negelected, thus I had to make this subject the forerunner of a series of books, , which by themselves are not related, but serve the same overall purpose. To find out how to be happy, simple as that.

5 Електронні книги від Martin Bolt

Martin Bolt: Guide To Better "corrections"
"For all those who came into contact with the system of prosecution, jails, prisons and the aftermath thereof. And for all those who seek answers. In support of all those who dedicate their time …
Dana S. Dunn: Pursuing Human Strengths
This textbook gives students the means to learn more about applying the science of positive psychology to their lives. The text explores the research and concepts in positive psychology as well as st …
Martin Bolt: A guide to honesty
Honesty makes the world go round and is the basis for sucessful and long lasting relationships, both in private and in business. There is hardly anything more enjoyable than dealing with a person who …
Martin Bolt: Fünf Jahre in Flag
Für viele Menschen, die zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt mit Scientology in Berührung kamen, ist das Thema Sea Org mehr oder weniger ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln. Wer diese Leute sind, was sie motiviert, wie …
Martin Bolt: The Prison Reform Book
If you consider the American system of incarceration a failure in many aspects and as it stands today as a whole, this book is for you. It details the current prison system and provides not only solu …