This interdisciplinary conference volume examines the socioreligious and sociocultural European situation and discusses the current state of Mission science in European context from the perspective of religious Philosophy, religious studies, law as well as protestant and catholic Theology. Its aim is to contribute to a modern, pluralistic understanding of Mission. Mission is not being propagated as a covered or open proselytism but it should be understood as a wholistic devotion to mankind according to the Gospels in search for a successful life. Therefore the concept of Mission covers a wide perspective. It includes attentiveness for the spiritual search of people on one hand and for charity and political dedication for the poor and some fringe groups on the other. This scientific discourse tries to free Mission from restrictions of historical burdens and presents this taboo subject as being a socially prevailing phenomenon in today’s Europe.
Про автора
Prof. Dr. Christian Danz studierte Evangelischen Theologie an der Universität Jena. Nach seiner Promotion und Habilitation übernahm er die Vertretungsprofessur für Systematische Theologie an der Universität Essen. Seit 2002 ist er Professor für Systematische Theologie A.B. an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien. Er ist Vorsitzender der Deutschen Paul-Tillich-Gesellschaft e.V. und Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Ausschusses des Projektes »Schelling – Edition und Archiv« der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.