Автор: Martyn Hooper

Martyn Hooper founded the Pernicious Anaemia Society to provide a forum for sufferers from the condition, having battled with the effects of vitamin B-12 deficiency for many years without a diagnosis. He found he had tapped into a massive hidden problem and has been campaigning for better diagnosis, treatment and recognition of the condition ever since. To write this latest book he has drawn on the experience of the Society’s 7000+ members together with classic and current research findings, responses to his earlier.

4 Електронні книги від Martyn Hooper

Martyn Hooper: Pernicious Anaemia: The Forgotten Disease
self-help guide to vitamin B12 deficiency and pernicious anaemia Das E-Book Pernicious Anaemia: The Forgotten Disease wird angeboten von Hammersmith Health Books und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kat …
Martyn Hooper: Living with Pernicious Anaemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Do you have vitamin B12 deficiency? Do you know what the cause is? Are you getting B12 replacement injections? Then you should be back to normal – simple? This is what most doctors believe – that sim …
Martyn Hooper: What You Need to Know About Pernicious Anaemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Based on responses to his earlier books – Pernicious Anaemia: the forgotten disease, and Living with Pernicious Anaemia – and on the daily enquiries and cries for help that come to the Pernicious Ana …
Martyn Hooper: Five-a-Day Plus One
Adequate vitamin B12 is essential for physical and mental health yet the NHS estimated in 2018 that one in 10 people over 75 and one in 20 people aged 65 to 74 were deficient. A deficiency may be due …