Mary Louise Pratt es profesora en el Departamento de Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos de la New York University. Tiene un doctorado de Stanford en Literatura Comparada, una maestría en Lingüística de la Uni¬versidad de Illinois y una licenciatura en Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas de la Universidad de Toronto. De 1976 a 2002 enseñó en la Universidad de Stanford, donde recibió Dean”s award for Distinguished Teaching y el Bing Distinguished Teaching Award. Ha sido becaria de las fundacio¬nes Guggenheim Foundation, NEH, ACLA, Pew y Hewlett, y del Canada Council. En 1998-99 recibió la Cátedra Patrimonial (CONACYT, Méxi¬co) en CIESAS Guadalajara. Fue miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Lenguas Modernas entre 1986 y 1990, y Presidenta y Vice¬presidenta entre 2001 y 2003. Su investigación en las décadas de 1980 y 1990 se centró en la historia de la escritura femenina en América Latina. A partir de finales de los años 90, estudió el imaginario neoliberal y los de-bates sobre la modernidad. Actualmente estudia el pensamiento indígena contemporáneo.
7 Електронні книги від Mary Louise Pratt
Mary Louise Pratt: Imperial Eyes
Updated and expanded throughout with new illustrations and new material, this is the long- awaited second edition of a highly acclaimed and interdisciplinary book which quickly established itself as …
Mary Louise (New York University, USA) Pratt: Imperial Eyes
Updated and expanded throughout with new illustrations and new material, this is the long- awaited second edition of a highly acclaimed and interdisciplinary book which quickly established itself as …
Mary Louise (New York University, USA) Pratt: Imperial Eyes
Updated and expanded throughout with new illustrations and new material, this is the long- awaited second edition of a highly acclaimed and interdisciplinary book which quickly established itself as …
Rosemary G. Feal: Profession 2012
This issue of Profession contains Russell A. Bermans introduction to his Presidential Forum, Language, Literature, Learning, held at the 2012 MLA convention, and the essays of the forum participants …
Phillip B. Gonzales & Renato Rosaldo: Trumpism, Mexican America, and the Struggle for Latinx Citizenship
For Latinx people living in the United States, Trumpism represented a new phase in the long-standing struggle to achieve a sense of belonging and full citizenship. Throughout their history in the Uni …
Darryl Gless & Barbara Herrnstein Smith: Politics of Liberal Education
Controversy over what role "the great books" should play in college curricula and questions about who defines "the literary canon" are at the forefront of debates in higher educat …
Mary Louise Pratt: Planetary Longings
In Planetary Longings eminent cultural theorist Mary Louise Pratt posits that the last decade of the twentieth century and the first decades of the twenty-first mark a turning point in the human and …