Allen C. Bowling, MD, Ph D, is Medical Director of the Rocky Mountain MS Center. He is also the Director of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Program based at the center and a Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
3 Електронні книги від MD, PhD Allen C. Bowling
Allen C. Bowling: Optimal Health with Multiple Sclerosis
The only source for reliable, evidence-based information on the relevance, safety, and effectiveness of alternative and lifestyle medicine approaches to MS treatment and the best ways to safely integ …
Allen C. Bowling: Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis
The first edition of Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis quickly became the single source for accurate and unbiased information on a wide range of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) …
Allen C. Bowling & T. Jock Murray: Multiple Sclerosis
The huge expansion of information available about MS, especially through the Internet, has put the individual with MS in a position to take increasing responsibility for her or his own care. There is …