I have come to terms with the future. From this day onward I will walk easy on the earth. Plant trees. Kill no living things. Live in harmony with all creatures. I will restore the earth where I am. Use no more of it’s resources than I need. And listen, listen to what it is telling me. This was written by Mary Oliver. I know it by heart.
The words, the quotes are all about nature, insects, trees, and even a wayward frog with a black eye from a butterfly. They all speak to me.
There are fairies, damsels and princes turned from a frog by a kiss. Fishes alone finding love. A forest queen providing safe havens for her creatures. Enjoy the comedy laugh with a fly, ride a camel…but most of all remember to dream, and fly with the fairies when they visit you in the deep nights where darkness gives you voice & wings!
Про автора
Spending my youth in France, traveling from one country to another I discovered the beauty of nature. While geography may change, nature endures. Flowers bloom, trees grow and the sun rises each morning.
Nature touches my soul, invades my heart and makes me smile. I paint my tapestry with words, a spokesperson for the smallest insect to the largest mammal.
I reside in Florida along with my husband Sam.
My daughter Gwen along with her husband Eric Frazer travel Florida’s highways and byways providing me with wildlife and nature photos.
My son Matthew Goss with his wife Tania live in Michigan where the seasons laugh at us mortals. Where winter dares spring to arrive. Photos from them inspire Christmas where snowflakes live and fairies fly.