Автор: Michael Barot

Michael Barot obtained his Ph.D. in 1997 at UNAM. He then worked at the Mathematics Institute, focusing on representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, cluster algebras and Lie algebras. In 2012, he started working as a high school teacher in Switzerland. Jesús Arturo Jiménez González received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from UNAM and Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo in 2015. His work focuses on representation theory of finite dimensional associative algebras.  José-Antonio de la Peña has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from UNAM (1983) and a Ph.D. from the Univeristy of Zürich (1985). His main areas of research are representation theory of algebras, where he has published more than 100 papers, and algebraic graph theory, where he has published more than 30 papers. He was Director of the Mathematics Institute at UNAM (1996-2004) and CIMAT, a mathematical research center from CONACYT (2011-2017). He is the author of several books, and 10 students have so far received doctoral degrees under his supervision.

5 Електронні книги від Michael Barot

Michael Barot & Jesús Arturo Jiménez González: Quadratic Forms
This monograph presents combinatorial and numerical issues on integral quadratic forms as originally obtained in the context of representation theory of algebras and derived categories. Some of these …
Michael Barot: Introduction to the Representation Theory of Algebras
This book gives a general introduction to the theory of representations of algebras. It starts with examples of classification problems of matrices under linear transformations, explaining the three …
Michael Barot & Juraj Hromkovic: Stochastik
Die grundlegenden Konzepte der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie werden in diesem Buch ausführlich und verständlich diskutiert. Mit vielen exemplarisch durchgerechneten Aufgaben, einer Vielzahl weiterer Pro …
Michael Barot: Einführung in die hyperbolische Geometrie
Das Buch bietet einen neuen und sehr zugänglichen Einstieg in eine neue Geometrie, die vor gar nicht so langer Zeit entdeckt wurde. Diese Geometrie, die hyperbolisch genannt wird, spielte eine Schlüs …
Michael Barot & Juraj Hromkovic: Stochastik 2
Aufbauend auf dem ersten Band, werden in diesem Buch weiterführende Konzepte der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie ausführlich und verständlich diskutiert. Mit vielen exemplarisch durchgerechneten Aufgaben, …