Dr. Mihri Ozkan is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at UC-Riverside with a research focus in nanotechnology and its applications in biology and engineering. She received her Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC-San Diego and her M.S. degree in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. She has over four years of industrial experience including at Applied Materials, Analog Devices and at IBM Almaden Research Center. Her awards and honors include “Emerging Scholar Award of 2005” by the American Association of University Women, “Invited participant of Kecks Future Initiative” (2005) by the National Academy of Science, “Regents Faculty Excellence Award” (2001 and 2004), “Visionary Science Award” (2003), “Technical Ingenuity Award” (2003), “Research Leadership Award” (2003), “Selected US team member in US-Japan Nanotechnology Symposium” (2003), and “Best graduate student awards” from the Materials Research Society, the Society of Biomedical Engineering and Jacobs School of Engineering (1999, 2000, 2001). Dr. Ozkan’s research is recognized as “frontier research” by the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (edited by Dr. David Awschalom) and featured many times in public newspapers, on the cover of journals, online news sites and newsletters. She is an active board member and treasurer in the International Society for Bio MEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology. Her editorial activities include the Journal of Sensors and Actuators B and the Journal of Biomedical Microdevices. She holds more than 25 patent disclosures and about 8 US-patents.
Professor Michael J. Heller began his position at University of California, San Diego in July 2001. He has a joint appointment between the departments of Bioengineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). His experience (academic and industrial)includes many areas of biotechnology and biomedical instrumentation, with particular expertise in DNA synthesis, DNA microarray diagnostics and optoelectronic based biosensor technologies. Dr. Heller has been the co-founder of three high-tech companies: Nanogen, Nanotronics and Integrated DNA Technologies. Dr. Heller”s most recent work involved the development of an integrated microelectronic array based system for genotyping, genetic and infectious disease diagnostics, protein analysis, cell separations and for nanofabrication applications. Dr. Heller has a respectable publication record, and has been an invited speaker to a large number of scientific conferences and meetings related to DNA microarrays, biosensors, lab-on-a-chip devices, bio-MEMS and nanotechnology. He has over 30 issued US patents related to microelectronic chips, microarrays and integrated devices for DNA hybridization, miniaturized sample to answer diagnostic devices, biosensors, genomics, proteomics, nanotechnology and nanofabrication, nano-based DNA optical storage and for fluorescent energy transfer in DNA nanostructures. Dr. Heller has been a panel member for the NAS(NAE) Review of National Nanotechnology Initiative 2001-2002; the NAS(NAE Engineer for the 2020 – 2001/2002; the White House (OSTP) National Nanotechnology Initiative 1999/2000; and has also been involved in a number of NSF Nanotechnology Workshops.
Professor Mauro Ferrari is a pioneer in the fields of bio MEMS and biomedical nanotechnology. As a leading academic, a dedicated entrepreneur, and a vision setter for the Nation”s premier Federal programs in nanomedicine, he brings a three-fold vantage perspective to his roles as Editor-in-Chief for this work. Dr. Ferrari has authored or co-authored over 150 scientific publications, 6 books, and over 20 US and
International patents. Dr. Ferrari is also Editor-in-Chief of Biomedical Microdevices and series editor of the new Springer series on Emerging Biomedical Technologies.
Several private sector companies originated from his laboratories at the Ohio State University and the University of California at Berkeley over the years. On a Federal assignment as Special
Expert in Nanotechnology and Eminent Scholar, he has provided the scientific leadership for the development of the Alliance for Cancer Nanotechnology of the National Cancer Institute, the world-largest medical nanotechnology operation to date. Dr. Ferrari trained in mathematical physics in Italy, obtained his Master”s and Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering at Berkeley, attended medical school at The Ohio State University, and served in faculty positions in Materials Science and Engineering, and Civil and Environmental Engineering in Berkeley, where he was first tenured. At Ohio State he currently serves as Professor of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, as Edgar Hendrickson Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and as Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He is Associate Director of the Dorothy M. Davis
Heart and Lung Research Institute, and the University”s Associate Vice President for Health Science, Technology and Commercialization.
26 Електронні книги від Michael Heller
Leonard Kaplan & Ken Koltun-Fromm: Imagining the Jewish God
Jewish art has always been with us, but so has a broader canvas of Jewish imaginings: in thought, in emotion, in text, and in ritual practice. Imagining the Jewish God was there in the beginning, as …
George V. Coyne & Michael Heller: A Comprehensible Universe
Why is our world comprehensible? This question seems so trivial that few people have dared to ask it. In this book we explore the deep roots of the mystery of rationality. The inquiry into the ration …
Michael Heller: Ultimate Explanations of the Universe
We humans are collectively driven by a powerful – yet not fully explained – instinct to understand. We would like to see everything established, proven, laid bare. The more important an issue, the mo …
Michael Heller: Philosophy in Science
The traditional topics of the ‘philosophy of nature’ — space, time, causality, the structure of the universe — are overwhelmingly present in our modern scientific theories. This book traces the compl …
Christian Brandes & Michael Heller: Qualitätsmanagement in agilen IT-Projekten – quo vadis?
Christian Brandes und Michael Heller diskutieren Missverständnisse zur Koexistenz von Agilität und Qualitätsmanagement in IT-Projekten. Diese sind nach ihrer Ansicht oft Ursache von Irritationen oder …
George V. Coyne & Michael Heller: Un Universo comprensibile
‘La cosa più incomprensibile del mondo è il fatto che sia comprensibile’, ebbe a dire un giorno Albert Einstein. A ben pensarci, non è stupefacente che l’Universo abbia un’intima essenza razionale e …
The book’s principal aim is to clarify fundamental concepts, decipher mathematical structures used to model space-time and relativistic worlds, and to disclose their physical meaning. After each chap …
Michael Heller: London Clerical Workers, 1880-1914
This study is based on a wide range of business sources as well as newspapers, journals, novels and oral history, allowing Heller to put forward a new interpretation of working conditions for London …
Michael Heller: London Clerical Workers, 1880-1914
This study is based on a wide range of business sources as well as newspapers, journals, novels and oral history, allowing Heller to put forward a new interpretation of working conditions for London …
Michael Heller: London Clerical Workers, 1880 1914
This study is based on a wide range of business sources as well as newspapers, journals, novels and oral history, allowing Heller to put forward a new interpretation of working conditions for London …
Ludwig Heller & Michael Heller: Die Exekutionsordnung
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quelle …
Michael Heller: Creative Tension
The voice of a renowned professor of philosophy in Poland, who is also a Roman Catholic priest, is introduced to the United States in this collection of his provocative essays on the interplay of sci …
Michael Heller: Living Root
Living Root is the story of an education, a writer’s wandering through personal and family history, through texts and traditions. Recalling his family’s origins in Bialystok as well as his own childh …
Michael Heller & James Salzman: Mine!
'A delicious book.' Jared Diamond Who controls the space around an aeroplane seat: you or the person behind you trying to work on their laptop? Who owns your favourite football player? And …
Michael Heller: Miami Experience
A work of fiction based on actual events that occurred in Miami in the spring of 1980. The story begins however, a year and a half earlier in Ames, Iowa when the narrator visits his brother, by himse …
Stephen Paul Miller & Daniel Morris: Radical Poetics and Secular Jewish Culture
"What have I in common with Jews? I hardly have anything in common with myself!"–Franz Kafka Kafka’s quip–paradoxical, self-questioning, ironic–highlights vividly some of the key issues …
Rachel Blau DuPlessis & Peter Quartermain: Objectivist Nexus
"Objectivist" writers, conjoined through a variety of personal, ideological, and literary-historical links, have, from the late 1920s to the present, attracted emulation and suspicion. Repr …
Michael Heller: Growing Tomato/The Rising Dough
The trials and tribulations of losses and gains, that the main character Herbie experiences and learns from early teens to young adulthood, growing up in a world with all the complexities of "co …