After a devastating defeat against Detective Sanchez, the Believers must reunite and retrain in an effort to take him down once and for all.
Since Detective Sanchez uses his evil superpowers to control the minds of presidents of countries around the world, the survival of our planet depends on the heroes. Will they be successful?
Find out in this final installment of the Believers trilogy.
Про автора
Michael Moran is a 38-year-old man with a Bachelor’s degree in English Education and a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, both from Florida International University. He previously self-published 3 editions of a 400-page gaming book called TIER: The Enhanced Role Playing Game. It took him ten years to write and revise the TIER books and sold over 1, 000 copies. It also took him six years to write and revise the Believers novels, with the help of Scholastic, Authorhouse, classroom students, family, and friends. He worked as an English Teacher for 10 years and writes short stories monthly for Dungeons & Dragons players. He now works as an ADA Officer for Miami-Dade County government.