Suitable for both individual and group learning, Engineering Acoustics focuses on basic concepts and methods to make our environments quieter, both in buildings and in the open air.
The author’s tutorial style derives from the conviction that understanding is enhanced when the necessity behind the particular teaching approach is made clear. He also combines mathematical derivations and formulas with extensive explanations and examples to deepen comprehension.
Fundamental chapters on the physics and perception of sound precede those on noise reduction (elastic isolation) methods. The last chapter deals with microphones and loudspeakers.
Moeser includes major discoveries by Lothar Cremer, including the optimum impedance for mufflers and the coincidence effect behind structural acoustic transmission.
The appendix gives a short introduction on the use of complex amplitudes in acoustics.
Perception of sound.- Fundamentals of wave propagation.- Propagation and radiation of sound.- Structure-borne sound.- Elastic isolation.- Sound absorbers.- Fundamentals of room acoustics.- Building acoustics.- Silencers.- Noise barriers.- Electro-acoustic converters for airborne sound.- Fundamentals of Active Noise Control.- Aspects and Properties of Transmitters.