This comprehensive yet compact step-by-step guide to solving real life mechanical engineering problems in dynamics offers all the necessary methodologies and supplemental information—in one place. It includes numerous solutions of examples of linear, non-linear, and two-degree-of-freedom systems. These solutions demonstrate in detail the process of the analytical investigations of actual mechanical engineering problems in dynamics. It is sure to be a very useful guide for students in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, as well practitioners who need to analyze and solve a variety of problems in dynamics.
Differential Equations Of Motion
- Analysis Of Forces
- Analysis of Resisting Forces
- Forces of Inertia
- Damping Forces
- Stiffness Forces
- Constant Resisting Forces
- Friction Forces
- Analysis of Active Forces
- Constant Active Forces
- Sinusoidal Active Forces
- Active Forces Depending on Time
- Active Forces Depending on Velocity
- Active Forces Depending on Displacement
Solving Differential Equations of Motion Using Laplace Transforms
- Laplace Transform Pairs For Differential Equations of Motion
- Decomposition of Proper Rational Fractions
- Examples of Decomposition of Fractions
- Examples of Solving Differential Equations of Motion
- Motion by by Inertia with no Resistance
- Motion by Inertia with Resistance of Friction
- Motion by Inertia with Damping Resistance
- Free Vibrations
- Motion Caused by Impact
- Motion of a Damped System Subjected to a Tim Depending Force
- Forced Motion with Damping and Stiffness
- Forced Vibrations
Analysis of Typical Mechanical Engineering Systems
- Lifting a Load
- Acceleration
- Braking
- Water Vessel Dynamics
- Dynamics of an Automobile
- Acceleration
- Braking
- Acceleration of a Projectile in the Barrel
- Reciprocation Cycle of a Spring-loaded Sliding Link
- Forward Stroke Due to a Constant Force
- Forward Stroke Due to Initial Velocity
- Backward Stroke
- Pneumatically Operated Soil Penetrating Machine
Piece-Wise Linear Approximation
- Penetrating into an Elasto-Plastic Medium
- First Interval
- Second Interval
- Third Interval
- Fourth Interval
- Non-linear Damping Resistance
- First Interval
- Second Interval
Dynamics of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems
- Differential Equations of Motion: A Two-Degree-of-Freedom System
- A System with a Hydraulic Link (Dashpot)
- A System with an Elastic Link (Spring)
- A System with a Combination of a Hydraulic Link (Dashpot) and an Elastic Link (Spring)
- Solutions of Differential Equations of Motion for Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems
- Solutions for a System with a Hydraulic Link
- Solutions for a System with an Elastic Link
- Solutions for a System with a Combination of a Hydraulic and an Elastic Link
- A System with a Hydraulic Link where the First Mass Is Subjected to a Constant External Force
- A Vibratory System Subjected to an External Sinusoidal Force
Про автора
Michael Spektor holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. His experience includes work in industry and academia in the former Soviet Union, Israel, and the U.S. He is also the author of Solving Engineering Problems in Dynamics, and Applied Dynamics in Engineering (Industrial Press, Inc.). Professor Spektor has taught courses in Material Science, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, and Machine Design. He was Chair of the Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology Department at Oregon Institute of Technology. He served as Program Director of the Manufacturing Engineering Bachelor degree completion program at Boeing, where he later developed a Master’s Degree program.