In this fifth volume of the Baylor-Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity series, Michael Wolter provides a detailed, verse-by-verse interpretation of the Third Evangelist’s Gospel (Luke 9:51-24). Wolter’s commentary fully complements the great tradition of ‘Handbooks of the New Testament’ published by Mohr Siebeck. Replacing the third edition of Erich Klostermann’s commentary on Luke, Wolter’s volume rightly joins those by Conzelmann (Acts), Käsemann (Romans), and Lietzmann (1 Corinthians) in this venerable series.
Wolter’s approach to a sustained reading of Luke’s Gospel is comprehensive. He carefully places Luke’s narrative of Jesus in its cultural context, paying close attention to the relationship of the Gospel with its Jewish and Greco-Roman environment. Wolter performs form-critical and narrative analysis of the specific stories; however, Wolter also emphasizes Luke as a theologian and his Gospel as a work of theology.
Centrally, Wolter recognizes how Luke’s narrative of Jesus forms the first part of a unified work–the Acts of Apostles being the second–that represents a new moment in Israel’s history. But in surprising new ways, Wolter makes clear that it is God alone who works in and through the words and deeds of Jesus to bring salvation to Israel. His commentary shows that Luke succeeds in preserving the history of Jesus and its theological impact and that this history stands on equal footing with the history of early Christianity. Wolter’s thorough, careful reading follows Luke as the Evangelist seeks to explain how the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises of God for Israel results in a parting of the ways between the Christian church on the one side and Judaism on the other. Scholars and students alike will benefit from access to new German scholarship now available to English-language audiences.
1. Textual Tradition and Early Reception
2. Author, Date, and Provenance
3. Sources
4. The Lukan Story of Jesus as an Episodic Narrative
5. Intended Readers
6. The Theological Place of the Story of Jesus in Luke-Acts
9.51-18.34: The Journey to Jerusalem
9.51-56: An Inhospitable Samaritan Village
9.57-62: Consequences of Discipleship
10.1-16: The Commission of the Seventy-Two
10.17-24: The Return of the Seventy-Two
10.25-37: The Scribe and the Merciful Samaritan
10.38-42: Martha and Mary
11.1-13: On Prayer
11.1-4: The Prayer of the Disciples
11.5-13: Jesus’s Speech on Prayer
11.14-28: Jesus and the Evil Spirits
11.29-32: ‘This generation is an evil generation’
11.33-36: The Eye as Lamp of the Body
11.37-54: The Woes against the Pharisees and Scribes
12.1-13.9: Jesus and the Disciples in the Midst of a Huge Crowd
12.1-12: The Encouragement of the Disciples to Public Confession
12.13-21: On the Worthlessness of Earthly Riches
12.22-34: Do not Be Anxious but Seek the Kingdom of God
12.35-48: On the Watchfulness and Reliability of Service Personnel
12.49-53: Fire That Destroys Families
12.54-59: This Kairos as the Time of Decision
13.1-9: Last Call to Repentance
13.10-21: On the Sabbath in a Synagogue
13.10-17: Sabbath III
13.18-21: Two Parables on the Kingdom of God
13.22-35: Travelling to Jerusalem
13.22-30: Outside before the Narrow Door
13.31-35: Herod and Jerusalem
14.1-24: As a Guest at the House of a Leading Pharisee
14.1-6: Sabbath IV
14.7-11: ‘Whoever exalts himself will be lowered’ and Vice Versa
14.12-14: The Nullification of the Principle of Symposial Reciprocity
14.15-24: The Parable of the Rejected Invitation
14.25-18.34: Somewhere on the Way
14.25-35: Conditions for Discipleship
15.1-32: The Controversy Dialogue over the Repentance of Tax Collectors and Sinners
15.1-3: Exposition
15.4-10: The Double Parable of the Lost Sheep andthe Lost Drachma
15.11-32: The Parable of the Prodigal Son
16.1-31: On Rightly Dealing with Money and Possessions
16.1-13: The Speech to the Disciples
16.14-31: The Speech to the Pharisees
17.1-10: Another Speech to the Disciples
17.11-21: The Thankful Samaritan and the Question of the Pharisees
17.11-19: The Thankful Samaritan
17.20-21: The Question of the Pharisees
17.22-18.8: When the Son of Man Comes
17.22-37: The Day of the Son of Man
18.1-8: The Parable of the Judge and the Widow
18.9-14: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
18.15-17: The Children and the Kingdom of God
18.18-30: Riches and Discipleship
18.31-34: Jesus’s Second Announcement of the Passion and the Resurrection
18.35-19.46: The End of the Peregrination
18.35-19.28: Jericho
18.35-43: The Healing of a Blind Man before Jericho
19.1-10: Zacchaeus
19.11-28: The Parable of the Throne Claimant
19.29-46: The Entrance into Jerusalem
19.47-21.38: ‘And he was teaching daily in the temple’
19.47-48: Initial Frame
20.1-26: Jesus as Teacher of the Jewish People and His Opponents
20.1-8: The Questioning of Jesus’s Authority
20.9-19: The Parable of the Tenants of the Vineyard
20.20-26: The Question about the Tax for Caesar
20.27-40: The Question about the Resurrection of the Dead
20.41-44: Is the Messiah David’s Son?
20.45-47: Warning against the Scribes
21.1-4: The Gift of the Widow
21.5-36: Jesus’s Last Public Speech
21.37-38: Concluding Frame
22.1-24.52(53): Passion and Easter
22.1-6: The Prelude: The Agreement between Judas and Jesus’s Opponents
22.7-65: On the Day of Unleavened Bread
22.7-13: The Preparation for Passover
22.14-38: The Last Supper
22.14-20: Passover Meal, Breaking of Bread, and the New Covenant
22.21-23: The One Who Hands Over
22.24-30: On Serving and Ruling
22.31-34: The Announcement of the Denial
22.35-38: Coats to Swords!
22.39-53: On the Mount of Olives
22.39-46: Jesus Prays and the Disciples Sleep
22.47-53: The Handing Over
22.54-65: In the House of the High Priest
22.54-62: The Denial
22.63-65: Mocking
22.66-23.56: On the Next Day
22.66-71: Jesus before the Sanhedrin
23.1-25: Jesus before Pilate
23.1-5: Accusation and Trial
23.6-12: The Transfer to Herod Antipas
23.13-25: The Dispute over the Verdict
23.26-49: Crucifixion and Death
23.50-56: Burial and Preparation for the Anointing of the Dead
24.1-52(53): On the First Day of the New Week
24.1-12: The Empty Tomb
24.13-35: The Emmaus Disciples Encounter the Risen One
24.36-52(53): Jesus Appears to All the Disciples in Jerusalem
Про автора
Michael Wolter is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Bonn in Germany. His book Paul – An Outline of His Theology is also available from Baylor University Press.
Wayne Coppins is Professor of Religion at The University of Georgia.
Simon Gathercole is Reader in New Testament Studies at the University of Cambridge.