Teresa Radziejewska, professor at the University of Szczecin, specialising in benthic meiofauna and deep-sea ecology; participated in research on Pacific’s Clarion- Clipperton Zone polymetallic nodule
field as well as in a number of projects associated with activities of the International Seabed Authority activities.
Jan Marcin Węsławski, professor at Polish Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Oceanology, specialising in marine ecology and climate-biodiversity relationships; most of his research is focused on the European Arctic, including deep North Atlantic areas.
Michał Tomczak – Ph D, chief geologist at the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, scientific chief of the Polish contract with the International Seabed Authority for exploration of seafloor massive sulphides (SMS) within the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
1 Електронні книги від Michał Tomczak
Teresa Radziejewska & Jan Marcin Węsławski: The Natural Environment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
The book presents the first comprehensive description of parts of the Mid-Atlantic ridge subject to a contract for polymetallic sulphide exploration between the International Seabed Authority and the …