Автор: Michel Leonard

Prof. Konstantas is the originator of the Object-oriented Interoperability concept, which placed the basis for the definition of interoperability issues between heterogenous Object Oriented systems and applications. He defined and implemented an inter-language interoperability support framework and proposed different services for object oriented interoperability support. He also worked in the design of applications with object oriented and agent systems, ranging from multimedia to medical applications, where the problems and issues related to interoperability were identified and different solutionswere opted. Today Prof. Konstantas works in the implementation of mobile health systems and services and is interested in the interoperability problems between divers information systems and services. Prof. Bourrières, works in the models and methods for the use of production systems in modern manufacturing industries. In this context he is interested in the issues and problems related to the software and application life cycle management, where interoperability with new and emerging systems is of major importance. One of the objectives is the creation of unified model where the different issues coming from all levels of an industial system (machine level, management of the production site, multi-site management etc) and aggregation of the related information can be represented. The target being to allow the exchange of information and smooth operation at all levels of the IS. Prof. Léonard is working in the development of Information Systems and the problems arrising from the interoperability of diverse (legacy) Information Systems. inthis direction he has developed M7, an evolutionary approach for Information System design, offering an environment of specification in a common formalism and capitalizes the various specifications in order to make them reusable. He also works in the Specification and implementation of highly configurable coordinationinformation systems with responsibility overlaping protocols on Workflow Information systems. Nacer Boudjlida  is a full professor  at the University Henri   Poincaré Nancy 1 (F) and a researcher at LORIA (Lorraine  Laboratory of Research  in Computer   Science and Applications). As a  professor, his lectures include   the various   facets  of   databases (DBMS, database design, distribution, architecture, administration and  so on).  As a  researcher, his domain  of interest includes process modelling and support,   distributed and cooperative computing, semantic-based mediated architectures.  He  authored two books on databases and numerous papers on  software systems integration and  interoperability, on software  process modelling and support, etc.

6 Електронні книги від Michel Leonard

Dimitri Konstantas & Jean-Paul Bourrières: Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications
Interoperability: the ability of a system or a product to work with other systems or products without special effort from the user is a key issue in manufacturing and industrial enterprise generally. …
Michel Leonard & Mehdi Snene: Exploring Services Science
Service science constitutes an interdisciplinary approach to systematic innovation in service systems, integrating managerial, social, legal and engineering aspects to address the theoretical and pra …
Dimitri Konstantas & Michel Leonard: Object-Oriented Information Systems
The conference on Object Oriented Information Systems (OOIS) is now an es- blished international conference where innovative ideas, research, applications, and experiences in the design, development, …
Zohra Bellahsene & Michel Leonard: Advanced Information Systems Engineering
CAi SE 2008wasthe20thinthe seriesof International Conferenceson Advanced Information System Engineering. This edition continued the success of previous conferences, a success largely due to that fact …
Michel Léonard: Lumières informationnelles de la Science de Service éclairant la progression de la Société
No detailed description available for ‘Lumières informationnelles de la Science de Service éclairant la progression de la Société’. Das E-Book Lumières informationnelles de la Science de Service écla …
Michel Léonard: Informational Lights from Service Science for the progression of Society
No detailed description available for ‘Informational Lights from Service Science for the progression of Society’. Das E-Book Informational Lights from Service Science for the progression of Society w …