A groundbreaking work that uncovers an implicit system of hermeneutics in traditional Chinese thought and aesthetics.
This ambitious work provides a systematic study of Chinese theories of reading and writing in intellectual thought and critical practice. The author maintains that there are two major hermeneutic traditions in Chinese literature: the politico-moralistic mainstream and the metaphysico-aesthetical undercurrent. In exploring the interaction between the two, Ming Dong Gu finds a movement toward interpretive openness. In this, the Chinese practice anticipates modern and Western theories of interpretation, especially literary openness and open poetics. Classic Chinese works are examined, including the Zhouyi (the I Ching or Book of Changes), the Shijing (the Book of Songs or Book of Poetry), and selected poetry, along with the philosophical background of the hermeneutic theories. Ultimately, Gu relates the Chinese practices of reading to Western hermeneutics, offering a cross-cultural conceptual model for the comparative study of reading and writing in general.
Introduction: Hermeneutic Openness: A Transcultural Phenomenon
The Rise of Hermeneutic Openness
Origins of Openness in China
Origins of Openness in the West
Paradoxes in Interpretive Theories
Two Hermeneutic Traditions in China
Objectives and Scope of Inquiry
Assumptions and Orientations
Part I: Conceptual Inquiries into Reading and Openness
1. Theories of Reading and Writing in Intellectual Thought
Reading in a Comparative Context
Mencius’ Positive Thesis of Reading
Zhuangzi’s Counterstatement
Mencius’ Hermeneutic Circle
Zhuangzi’s Wordless Communication
Views of Reading after Mencius and Zhuangzi
A Chinese Model of Reading and Writing
2. Hermeneutic Openness in Aesthetic Thought
Suggestiveness as an Aesthetic Category
Yiyin (Lingering Sound) and
Yiwei (Lingering Taste)
Bujin zhiyi (Endless Meaning): Multivalence and Polysemy
Hanxu (Reserve): Unlimited Semiosis
Wu (Ontological Non-Being): Self-Generative Suggestiveness
Beyond Aesthetic Suggestiveness
Part II:
3. The
Zhouyi and Open Representation
Zhouyi as a System of Representation
The Eight Trigrams as an Open System of Representation
The Mechanisms of Openness in Hexagram Images
Open Representation in Hexagram and Line Statements
Indeterminacy in
Zhouyi’s Genesis
Ideas of Openness in
Zhouyi Intellectual Thought
A Semiotic Model of Reading and Representation
The Source of the
Zhouyi’s Seductive Power
4. Elucidation of Images: Ancient Insights into Modern Ideas of Reading and Writing
Situating The Hermeneutic Controversy
Mingxiang as a Hermeneutic Issue
Wang Bi as an Innovative Synthesizer
The Controversy over ‘Forgetting Images’
A Distinction between Meaning and Significance
Premodern Husserlians and Heideggerians
The Death of the Author and Rise of the Reader
Conceptual Significance of the Paradigm shift
Concluding Remarks
Part III:
5. The
Shijing and Open Poetics
Literary Openness in the
The Open Textuality of ‘Guanju’
Textual and Extratextual Indeterminacy
A Notion of Open Field
Paronomastic Reading and Writing
Shijing Hermeneutics: Blindness and Insight
In Search of Original Intentions
Two Paradigms: One Orientation
Indeterminate Subject Position
From Allegory To Open Readings
A Writing Model of Intertextual Dissemination
Part IV: Literary Hermeneutics
7. Open Poetics in Chinese Poetry
Spatial Form and Linguistic Economy
The ‘Eye’ of Openness
Symbiosis of Opposite Aesthetic Feelings
Metaphysical Emptiness
Serial Form and Oriented Openness
8. Linguistic Openness and the Poetic Unconscious
Openness and Poetic Language
Openness and Syntactic Ambiguity
Dream Language and the Poetic Unconscious
Juxtaposition and Multidetermination
Metaphor, Metonymy and Signifying Practice
The ‘Soul’ of Openness
Conclusion. Toward A Self-Conscious Open Poetics in Reading and Writing
How Open Is A Literary Text?
Le Mot Juste and Endless Meaning
Hermeneutic Openness Is A Positive Thing
Works Cited
Про автора
Ming Dong Gu is Associate Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature and Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Texas, Dallas. He is the author of Chinese Theories of Reading and Writing: A Route to Hermeneutics and Open Poetics, also published by SUNY Press.