Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
A practical resource presenting the fundamental technologies and solutions for real-world problems in modern heat and electricity incorporated networks (MHEINs)
Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks covers the foundations of multi-carrier energy networks (MCENs), highlights potential technologies and multi-energy systems in this area, and discusses requirements for coordinated operation and planning of heat and electricity hybrid networks. The book not only covers the coordinated operation of heat and electricity networks (HENs) but also supports the planning of HENs to provide more clarity regarding HENs’ presence in the future modern MCENs.
The first part of Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks provides a conceptual introduction with more emphasis on definition, structure, features, and challenges of the one and multidimensional energy networks as well as optimal operation and planning of the MHEINs. The second part of the book covers potential technologies and systems for energy production, communication, transmission and distribution, hybrid energy generation, and more. The third and fourth parts of the book investigate the optimal coordinated operation and planning of the MHEINs.
Topics covered in the book also include:
* Considerations of hybrid energy storage systems, business models, hybrid transitional energy markets, and decision-making plans
* Requirements for switching from the traditional independent energy networks to modern interdependent energy grids
* The key role of multi-carrier energy systems in the optimal integration of modern heat and electricity incorporated networks
* Technical and theoretical analysis of the coordinated operation and planning of the modern heat and electricity incorporated networks, especially in terms of hybrid energy storage systems
Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks is an invaluable resource and authoritative reference for the researchers and the system engineers focusing on advanced methods for deployment of state of art technologies in the modern structure of the multi-carrier energy networks.
Chapter 1 – Overview of Modern Energy Networks
Chapter 2 – An Overview of the Transition from One-Dimensional Energy Networks to Multi-carrier Energy Grids
Chapter 3 – Overview of Modern Multi-Dimension Energy Networks
Chapter 4 – Modern Smart Multi-Dimensional Infrastructure Energy Systems – State of the Arts
Chapter 5 – Overview of the Optimal Operation of Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
Chapter 6 – Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks Targeted by Coordinated Cyberattacks for Congestion and Cascading Outages
Chapter 7 – Cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring and Maintenance of Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks: A Learning-based Approach
Chapter 8 – Coordinated Operation and Planning of the Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
Chapter 9 – Optimal Coordinated Operation of Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
Chapter 10 – Optimal Energy Management of a Demand Response Integrated Combined-Heat-and-Electrical Microgrid
Chapter 11 – Optimal Operation of Residential Heating Systems in Electricity Markets Leveraging Joint Power-Heat Flexibility
Chapter 12 – Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Optimal Operation of the Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
Chapter 13 – Operational Coordination to Boost Efficiency of Complex Heat and Electricity Microgrids
Chapter 14 – Techno-Economic Analysis of Hydrogen Technologies, Waste Converter, and Demand Response in Coordinated Operation of Heat and Electricity Systems
Chapter 15 – Optimal Operational Planning of Heat and Electricity Systems Considering Integration of Smart Buildings
Chapter 16 – Coordinated Planning Assessment of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
Chapter 17 – Coordinated Planning of Thermal and Electrical Networks
Chapter 18 – Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Optimal Planning of the Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
Про автора
Mohammadreza Daneshvar is a Researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tabriz, Iran.
Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Ph D, is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tabriz, Iran.
Kazem Zare, Ph D, is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tabriz, Iran.