Cook and eat your way to a healthier heart!
Now you really can eat to your heart’s content with this easy cookbook and guide. From breakfasts to dinners, from super starters to ‘legal’ desserts, you’ll find a mouthwatering assortment of tasty and satisfying low-cholesterol recipes you — and your family and friends — will love. With advice on choosing the right foods, low-cholesterol cooking techniques, and more, this book helps make heart-healthy eating a snap.
Discover how to
* Shop for the best food and ingredients for low-cholesterol cooking
* Adapt your favorite recipes to fit your needs
* Make heart-smart choices from restaurant and takeout menus
* Tell the difference between ‘good’ foods and ‘bad’ foods
Introduction 1
Part I: Starting Out Right to Control Your Cholesterol 9
Chapter 1: Conquering Cholesterol Is Easier (and More Pleasant) Than You Think 11
Chapter 2: Favorite Foods for Controlling Cholesterol 27
Chapter 3: Looking at Those Foods You’ve Been Warned About 41
Chapter 4: Controlling Cholesterol When Eating Out 57
Chapter 5: Gearing Up for Healthy Cooking 67
Part II: Mastering the Beneficial Breakfast 77
Chapter 6: Greeting the Morning with Healthy Carbs 79
Chapter 7: Starting Your Day with Protein 91
Chapter 8: Having Breakfast in a Jiffy 103
Part III: Making Your Day with Heart-Healthy Starters 117
Chapter 9: Preparing Soup, Simple and Hearty 119
Chapter 10: Super Salads for Everyday Meals 141
Chapter 11: Mouth-Watering Morsels for Special Occasions 161
Part IV: Having Your Poultry, Fish, and Meat 173
Chapter 12: Flocking to Chicken and Turkey: New Ways to Prepare Old Favorites 175
Chapter 13: Serving Up Great-Tasting Seafood 199
Chapter 14: Managing Meats in a Healthy Diet 221
Part V: A Harvest of Cholesterol-Controlling Veggies, Beans, and Grains 237
Chapter 15: Welcoming Heart-Friendly Veggies into Your Kitchen 239
Chapter 16: Betting on Beans and Other Legumes for Lower Cholesterol 257
Chapter 17: Quality Grains for Your Heart’s Sake 277
Part VI: Savory Accompaniments and Sweet Finishes 299
Chapter 18: Sparking Flavors with Seasonings and Sauces 301
Chapter 19: Dishing Up Fruit for Dessert 315
Chapter 20: Baked Goods that Keep the Heart Ticking 329
Part VII: The Part of Tens 341
Chapter 21: Ten Beverages That Say, ‘Here’s to Your Health!’ 343
Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Trim Your Food Bill 349
Appendix: Metric Conversion Guide 353
Index 357
Про автора
Molly Siple, MS, RD, is the author of Healing Foods For Dummies and a columnist for Natural Health magazine. She is an adjunct instructor at Southern California School of Culinary Arts.