Monastic experience in twelfth-century Germany provides a rare window on to monastery life in the tumultuous world of twelfth-century Swabia. From its founding in 992 through the great fire that ravaged it in 1159 and beyond, Petershausen weathered countless external attacks and internal divisions. Supra-regional clashes between emperors and popes played out at the most local level. Monks struggled against overreaching bishops. Reformers introduced new and unfamiliar customs. Tensions erupted into violence within the community. Through it all the anonymous chronicler struggled to find meaning amid conflict and forge connections to a shared past, enlivening his narrative with colorful anecdotes – sometimes amusing, sometimes disturbing. Translated into English for the first time, this fascinating text is an essential source for the lived experience of medieval monasticism.
The Chronicle of Petershausen
Book One
Book Two
Book Three
Book Four
Translation of the Relics of St. Gebhard
Additional Entries
Book Five
Book Six
Appendix 1: The Life of St. Gebhard
Appendix 2: Concordance of book and chapter numbering
Про автора
Alison I. Beach is Professor of Medieval History at the University of St Andrews
Shannon M. T. Li, Ph D is a professional indexer and proprietor of Li Indexing
Samuel S. Sutherland is Assistant Professor of History at Stephen F. Austin State University