Автор: Monika Imschloss

Marko Sarstedt is a Chaired Professor of Marketing at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Germany) and an Adjunct Research Professor at Babeș-Bolyai-University Cluj-Napoca (Romania). His main research interest is the advancement of research methods to further the understanding of consumer behavior. His research has been published in Nature Human Behavior, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Organizational Research Methods, MIS Quarterly, and Psychometrika, among others. His publications are among the most cited papers in the social sciences, with over 100, 000 citations. Marko Sarstedt is a member of Clarivate Analytic”s Highly Cited Researcher List. In March 2022, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj for his research achievements and international collaboration. Monika Imschloss is a Professor of Business Administration, in particular Marketing, at Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany). She primarily investigates questions relating to consumer behavior in retail contexts. Her research focuses on aspects of multisensory marketing, digitalization, and sustainability. As such, she examines how sensory stimuli, especially music, influence consumer behavior and how consumers react to digital innovations (e.g., self-tracking apps, software upgradeability) or sustainable products (e.g., upcycling). Susanne Adler is a research associate at the Institute for Marketing at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Germany).

3 Електронні книги від Monika Imschloss

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Marko Sarstedt & Monika Imschloss: Multisensory Design of Retail Environments
Online retailers have gained massive popularity in recent years, plunging large parts of brick-and-mortar retail into an existential crisis. In order to survive in times of growing online retail, bri …
Marko Sarstedt & Monika Imschloss: Multisensory Design of Retail Environments
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