The Nurse Mare’s Tale is in a way the prequel to Dinky:
The Nurse Mare’s Foal, as it tells the story of Dinky’s mother.
This lovely story is told from the viewpoint of two aging nurse
mares about to give birth, and the trials they go through. It tells
us of Sadie and her friend Nellie and is accompanied with
charming dialogue (both speaking and thinking). The plight of
these animals is described in empathetic detail.
After enduring years of breeding and loss, the older nurse mares
must face the auction with the promise of being slaughtered, as
they have become too old for breeding and thus unable to be
rented out as nurse mares to feed the foals of the high-dollar
Do they accept their fate, or will there be another ending for the
nurse mares that have given everything and received little in
The ending may surprise you. It is a poignant story that will rip
your heart out and put you back together again.
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Whether I am reading, or writing I am taken out of myself and will return more enlightened. From the magic of the places I have been, the people I have met, and the story that captured me for a while.
I have been called a prolific and versatile writer. I currently have two children’s poetry books, Wee Three: A Mother’s Love in Verse and Innocence and Wonder, four novella’s Darkness Descends, The Between Times, The Choosing, Keeping the Upper Paw: A Cat’s Guide to Training Your Human.
I learned that one needs to have a plot and conversation to move the story forward from a particularly bad play I wrote at the age of six. It was the worst play ever written or performed. It was so awful my mother stopped the production after about three minutes.
I currently live on a small farm with my husband, three horses, cats and a green cheeked conjure named Jack. They help me remember to view the world through a child’s innocence and keep me young and imaginative.
My grandmother, mother, and brother were/are all writers.