This book demonstrates that the United States, whether we like it or not, is a theolegal nation – a democracy that simultaneously guarantees citizens the right to free expression of belief while preventing the establishment of a state religion.
Foreword; T.Blair Introduction to the Theolegal Theory; N.C.Walker PART I: A THEOLEGAL NATION Editorial Preface to Unit I Theolegal Discourse; K.Greenawalt Religious Fairness; M.Nussbaum Religious Secularism; P.M.Cooey PART II: THEOLEGAL OFFICIALS Editorial Preface to Unit II The Religious Right; A.Dershowitz Religious Judges; E.J.Greenlee Religious Presidents; M.J.Rozell Presidential Abortion Rhetoric; T.G.Jelen & B.Morris PART III: THEOLEGAL DEMOCRACY Editorial Preface to Unit III Stem Cell Research; R.P.George Evolution v. Creation; M.Zimmerman Marriage Equality; S.Sobel & E.J.Greenlee Theolegal Marriage; C.Carlson PART IV: THEODIPLOMACY Editorial Preface to Unit IV Theotorture of Guantánamo; D.L.Mc Colgin Theolegal Nuclear Weapons Policy; D.B.Shaw Theology of Human Rights; W.F.Schulz Religious Freedom; J.K.Grieboski Conclusion; E .J.Greenlee & N.C.Walker
Про автора
REVEREND NATHAN C. WALKER Executive Director of First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, USA.
EDWIN J. GREENLEE Associate Director for Public Services in the Biddle Law Library at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.