Автор: Na Zhao

Na Zhao, Associate Professor, Department for Eco-Environmental Informatics, State Key Laboratory of Resources & Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS). She focuses on the field of surface modeling method, and climate change.  Tian Xiang Yue, Chief Professor at State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, He is Editorial Board Mermbers of several journals including Science China, Transactions in GIS, Journal of Geographical Sciences, and Journal of Ecology. His main research interests are Modeling of Earth Surface System, Eco-environmental Informatics.

2 Електронні книги від Na Zhao

TianXiang Yue & Erik Nixdorf: Chinese Water Systems
This volume of the Chinese Water Systems subseries offers up-to-date and comprehensive information on various aspects of the Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China. Following a detailed …
Na Zhao & TianXiang Yue: High Accuracy Surface Modeling Method: The Robustness
This book focuses on the robustness analysis of high accuracy surface modeling method (HASM) to yield good performance of it. Understanding the sensitivity and uncertainty is important in model app …