Автор: Nancy Amendt-Lyon

Nancy Amendt-Lyon studied Psychology in the United States, Switzerland, and Austria, earning an MA and a DPhil. She trained in Gestalt therapy and group psychoanalysis, and has been in private practice in Austria since 1978, working in English and German with adults. She has chaired the Austrian Association for Gestalt Therapy (ÖVG) since it was founded in 2007, holds membership in the Austrian Association for Psychotherapy (ÖBVP) and the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), and draws on many years of experience training Gestalt therapists, group psychoanalysts, and supervisors in Austria and abroad. Her publications include numerous articles and book chapters in both working languages on topics relating to Gestalt therapy, gender, and issues of sociopolitical relevance, as well as a début novel, Case Unclosable (2013), which was translated into German as Und Niemals ein Ende (2015). Amendt-Lyon has served on the editorial boards of several professional journals, and co-edited the anthology Creative License: The Art of Gestalt Therapy, which was published in English by Springer (2003) and subsequently in German, French, and Italian.

3 Електронні книги від Nancy Amendt-Lyon

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb & Nancy Amendt-Lyon: Die Kunst der Gestalttherapie
Der gestalttherapeutische Ansatz ist vor allem für seine große Bandbreite an therapeutischen Interventionen bekannt. Kreativität ist ein entscheidender Gradmesser für Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Int …
Nancy Amendt-Lyon & Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb: Creative License
The time is ripe, more than fifty years after the publication of the magnum opus by Perls, Hefferline & Goodman, to publish a book on the topic of cre- ativity in Gestalt therapy. The idea for this b …
Nancy Amendt-Lyon & Philip Brownell: Timeless Experience
For years, psychotherapists have known that Laura Perls was actively involved in the development of what today is known as Gestalt therapy, although her husband, Frederick Perls, officially authored …