When Meshac Brownlow murders her mother’s boyfriend and leaves home, she learns the price you pay when violence is answered with violence. Will she be found out? Will she be safe?
She is glad she saved her sister, and Meshac is glad the evil is wrapped in a tarp and sunk in a swamp. But what does this mean for her soul?
Walking long miles on backroads, she arrives in Nuanz, Tennessee. She makes friends with the mover and shaker, Edna Love, and an inquisitive ten-year-old Grace. Meshac finds moments of joy in simple living, like the music at the county fair. A boyfriend’s kiss leaves her shaken. Will nightmares of the time before ever go away?
The tragic death of Grace’s friend, Noah, threatens the harmony of the town. This coincides with the first sit-ins at the nearby Woolworth’s lunch counter.
Then Meshac is viciously attacked but survives. Her new friends rally to the lonely teen-ager, who’s living in a motel and waiting tables. The unfolding of the story links with the four seasons of one year. The yearlong trek from revenge to understanding changes Meshac. She finds her answers in Nuanz, Tennessee at the Bluebird Cafe.
1. The Reason
2. The Way Out
3. No Turning Back
4. Paradise Found
1. Two Peas in a Pod
2. Midsummer’s Eve
3. Homegoing
4. Resolution, Revolution, and Beyond
1. What’s Fair Is Fair
2. Tears and Kisses
3. What’s Love Got to Do With It?
1. The Rescue
2. A Balm in Gilead
3. Should I Stay or Should I Go?
4. The Escape
5. Gandhi at the Lunch Counter
1. Putting the Pieces Together
2. A Dose of Fear
3. A Dose of Courage
4. Epilogue
Про автора
Senior Partner, The Hill Helen Group Publishing Co.; editor, award-winning journalist for 30 years; former English teacher; graduate, Delta Leadership Institute Executive Academy 2010-2011; Sterling Awards: 20 Most Influential Women in West Tennessee 2014.