This volume is an annotated collection of original, informative, and moving photographs of the twins who survived the brutal medical experiments conducted at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp (1943-1945). The experiments were conducted by the infamous physician, Josef Mengele. These never-before-seen photographs were taken by the author (Segal) at the 40th anniversary of the camp’s liberation (January 27, 1985) and the public hearing on Mengele’s crimes at Yad Vashem (Hand and Name) in Jerusalem that followed. Other memorable moments, captured in photographs include traveling to Krakow, visiting Warsaw and hearing survivors’ testimonies. The photographs are organized into ten sections that unfold chronologically—each section is accompanied by a brief essay to provide compelling context and each photograph has an informative caption.
Foreword by David G. Marwell
1. Minneapolis to Auschwitz and Jerusalem: How Did it Happen?
2. Pre-event Activities: Meeting Twins
3. Traveling to Poland
4. Visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau: Reunion and Re-enactment
5. Exploring Auschwitz-Birkenau: An Art Museum, a Chance Meeting and a Trip to the Polish Border
6. Medical Experiments: Process and Purpose
7. Touring Warsaw: War Memorials and Everyday Life
8. Twin Testimonies: Public Hearing on Josef Mengele’s War Crimes
9. Aftermath: Inquiries and Inquest
10. Twin Children of the Holocaust: After the Hearing and Beyond
Parting Words
About the Author
Other Books by Nancy L. Segal
Про автора
Dr. Nancy L. Segal is Psychology Professor and Director, Twin Studies Center, at California State University, Fullerton. Her book, Born Together-Reared Apart, won the American Psychological Association’s William James Book Award. Her work has been featured in the New York Times and Atlantic Monthly. She has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, and the BBC.