John Milton has usually been regarded as ‘the other great poet’ in English literature, after Shakespeare. He is the only one of the world’s great poets also to have been actively engaged in politics. A radical Protestant and staunch republican, he served as Latin secretary to Oliver Cromwell during the Commonwealth. After the restoration of Charles II, his life was probably saved by his fame as a poet. Apart from the great poems like Paradise Lost and Samson Agonistes, Milton also wrote eloquent treatises on topics including divorce, freedom of the press, kingship and education. This lively new biography by a renowned Milton scholar explores the psychological complexities of a man who must be counted one of the most significant and fascinating writers and thinkers of all time.
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Neil Forsyth holds an M.A. in Classics and English from King’s College, Cambridge, and another in Comparative Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his Ph D. from the University of California at Berkeley. He is renowned as a Milton scholar, and The Milton Society of America awarded him the 2004 James Holly Hanford prize for The Satanic Epic. Princeton and Guildford: Princeton University Press, 2003.