Technology-enhanced learning is a timely topic, the importance of which is recognized by educational researchers, practitioners, software designers, and policy makers. This volume presents and discusses current trends and issues in technology-enhanced learning from a European research and development perspective. This multifaceted and multidisciplinary topic is considered from four different viewpoints, each of which constitutes a separate section in the book. The sections include general as well as domain-specific principles of learning that have been found to play a significant role in technology-enhanced environments, ways to shape the environment to optimize learners’ interactions and learning, and specific technologies used by the environment to empower learners. An additional section discusses the work presented in the preceding sections from a computer science perspective and an implementation perspective.
This book comes out of the work in Kaleidoscope: a European Network of Excellence in which over 1, 000 people from more than 90 institutes across Europe participate. Kaleidoscope brings together researchers from diverse disciplines and cultures, through their collaboration and sharing of scientific outcomes, they are helping move the field of technology-enhanced learning forward.
Learning Principles.- The Evolution of Research on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.- Developments in Inquiry Learning.- Sociocultural Perspectives on~Technology-Enhanced Learning and Knowing.- Narrative Learning in Technology-Enhanced Environments.- Learning in Specific Domains.- Building European Collaboration in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Mathematics.- Integrated Digital Language Learning.- Novel Technology for Learning in Medicine.- Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science.- Shaping the Learning Environment.- External Representations for Learning.- Computer-Supported Collaboration Scripts.- Users’ Data.- Users’ Data.- Special Technologies.- A Patterns Approach to Connecting the Design and Deployment of Mathematical Games and Simulations.- Mobile Learning.- Learning from Multimedia and Hypermedia.- Postface.- A Computer Science Perspective on Technology-Enhanced Learning Research.- Implementing Technology-Enhanced Learning.