This title is devoted to presenting some of the most important
concepts and techniques for describing real-time systems and
analyzing their behavior in order to enable the designer to achieve
guarantees of temporal correctness.
Topics addressed include mathematical models of real-time
systems and associated formal verification techniques such as model
checking, probabilistic modeling and verification, programming and
description languages, and validation approaches based on testing.
With contributions from authors who are experts in their respective
fields, this will provide the reader with the state of the art in
formal verification of real-time systems and an overview of
available software tools.
Chapter 1. Time Petri Nets: Analysis Methods and Verification with TINA (Bernard Berthomieu, François Vernadat).
Chapter 2. Validation of Reactive Systems by Means of Verification and Compliance Testing (Camille Constant, Thierry Jeron, Herve Marchand and Vlad Rusu).
Chapter 3. Model Checking: Basic Concepts and Techniques (Stephan Merz).
Chapter 4. Timed Automata and Verification (Patricia Bouyer, François Laroussinie).
Chapter 5. Specification and Analysis of Asynchronous Systems using CADP (Radu Mateescu).
Chapter 6. Synchronous Program Verification with Lustre/Lesar (Pascal Raymond).
Chapter 7. Synchronous Functional Programming with Lucid Synchrone (Paul Caspi, Grégoire Hamon, Marc Pouzet).
Chapter 8. Verification of Real-Time Probabilistic Systems (Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, David Parker, Jeremy Sproston).
Chapter 9. Verification of Probabilistic Systems: Methods and Tools (Serge Haddad, Patrice Moreaux).
Chapter 10. The IF Toolbox (Marius Bozga et al).
Chapter 11. Architecture Description Languages – An Introduction to the SAE AADL (Anne-Marie Déplanche, Sébastien Faucou).
List of Authors.
Про автора
Stephan Merz is a researcher at INRIA Lorraine (Nancy,
France). He is interested in formal methods for the analysis and
construction of reliable software systems, in particular temporal
logic, refinement, and the automated and interactive verification
of distributed systems.
Nicolas Navet is a researcher in Real-Time Systems at
INRIA Lorraine (Nancy, France). His research interests include
real-time scheduling, probalistic modeling and computational
intelligence, with applications to automotive embedded systems and
financial engineering.