Автор: Oana Andreica

Oana Andreica is an associate professor at the Department of Musicology of the “Gheorghe Dima” National Music Academy in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where she teaches Musicology and Musical Semiotics, as well as musical secretary of the Transylvania State Philharmonic. She was engaged in a postdoctoral project, conducting research on musical semiotics and Costin Miereanu’s music. She regularly participates in national and international musicology conferences and her list of publications comprises books, studies, articles, interviews, and chronicles. In 2012, she published the monograph Artă şi abis. Cazul Mahler (Art and Abyss. The Mahler Case) and in 2020 the book entitled Ghid (incomplet) de concert [(Uncomplete) Concert Guide]. She is also a co-editor of the volume Readings in Numanities, published by Springer in 2018.

2 Електронні книги від Oana Andreica

Oana Andreica & Alin Olteanu: Readings in Numanities
This unique book gathers articles from the numanistic perspective of multidisciplinarity and innovation, connected by three main theoretical interests or overarching themes: music, semiotics and tran …
Oana Andreica: Music as Cultural Heritage and Novelty
This book provides a multifaceted view on the relation between the old and the new in music, between tradition and innovation. This is a much-debated issue, generating various ideas and theories, whi …