Key Notes:
The history and use of 5 MeoDMT as natural medicine for those afflicted by addiction and its application as a tool to
initiate people on a spiritual path.
The Toad of Dawn is the dramatic story of how Dr. Octavio Rettig Hinojosa — a Mexican doctor with a crack cocaine addiction — came to heal himself by employing an ancient “treasure” almost forgotten for centuries — Bufo alvarius (the Sonoran Desert toad). Under the auspices of the United Nations Venezuela Association, Dr. Rettig has traveled extensively throughout the world and shared 5Me ODMT, a secretion of the Sonoran Desert toad, with over 6000 people, eliminating chemical addictions, depression, anxiety disorders, insomnia, bronchitis, and trauma. Dr. Rettig’s research has convinced him that the medicine of the Sonoran toad — which, under the guidance of an experienced shaman or medicine man, can be harnessed for healing, awakening, and raising consciousness — has been known and used by high priests of the Mayan, Aztec, Olmec, and other Mesoamerican civilizations. Part autobiography, part introduction to entheogens and visionary substances, The Toad of Dawn gives an overview of the history, use, and the benefits of the toad medicine, and reveals how it can be used to initiate people on a spiritual path.
Prologue: Santiago Pando
Introduction: Rak Razam
Part One:
The Little Toad of the Sonora Desert
Otac: A First Look
Forging the Path to a New Reality
The Question Remains: How Can There Be Neurotransmitters in Plants?
A Look into the Past.
Otac: Up Close
Otac and Psychoactive Plants in a Historical Context
Drugs and Medicines
Your Body is the True Laboratory
Otac in History and Art
Understanding Reality Through the Lens of Religion
Inhaling the Sacrament
The Correct Dosage
The Importance of Breathing
Processes After Smoking Otac
Remembering Your Encounter with Otac
Sustainability of the Toad Medicine
Synthetic Drugs versus Sacred Substances
Pharmaceutical Drugs Versus Natural Substances
Otac and Life’s Purpose
Part Two: Full Disclosure
The Dream of Creating Connection
My Story
First Time Getting Drunk
Day Zero
My First Divine Journey
St. Sebastian
My First Experience with Magic Mushrooms. Arrival of the Toad
Combining Entheogens
Dissatisfaction and the Desire for More
The Moral of the Journey
Part Three: Otac in the World
The Otac Experience: Fusing Reality and Fantasy
A New Way of Seeing and Doing Addiction.
Action and Movement Generate Constant Evolution
Otac Saving Lives
Healing for the Seri: Case Studies
Sir Francisco
Don Antonio Robles, Chief of the
Ramona Barnett Astorga
The Impassioned Words of Raymundo
My Wish for the World: Only Peace and Joy
About the Author
Про автора
Rak Razam is a founding editor of Undergrowth, Australia’s leading alternative arts and literature magazine, and the world’s leading experiential journalist, writing about and helping shape the emergence of a new cultural paradigm in the 21st century. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book Aya: A Shamanic Odyssey and a frequent lecturer on ayahuasca and the shamanic revival sweeping the West. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.