Oscar Berglund is Lecturer in International Public and Social Policy at the University of Bristol, UK.
Daniel Schmidt is a MSc graduate in Public Policy from the University of Bristol, UK.
3 Електронні книги від Oscar Berglund
Oscar Berglund & Daniel Schmidt: Extinction Rebellion and Climate Change Activism
This book summarises and critiques Extinction Rebellion (XR) as a social movement organisation, engaging with key issues surrounding its analysis, strategy and tactics. The authors suggest that XR ha …
Oscar Berglund & Claire A. Dunlop: Taking Risks and Breaking New Frontiers in Policy and Politics
How do we conceive of policy and political studies? To what extent should our science be ‘normative’ or ‘objective’ or ‘positive’? Who are our audiences and how do we engage them? Whose knowledge mat …
Elizabeth Koebele & Oscar Berglund: Transformational Change in Public Policy
How can Public Policy scholarship contribute to transformational societal change? In this collection of essays, previously published in Policy & Politics, the authors explore different avenues to …