My Linked In(R) Step-by-step instructions with callouts to photos that show you exactly what to do Help when you run into problems or limitations with Linked In Tips and Notes to help you take full advantage of Linked In Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through making the most of Linked In! Learn how to: * Leverage the vast Linked In network, with hundreds of millions of members worldwide * Create your Linked In account, explore the Linked In site, and get started fast * De...
My Linked In(R) Step-by-step instructions with callouts to photos that show you exactly what to do Help when you run into problems or limitations with Linked In Tips and Notes to help you take full advantage of Linked In Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through making the most of Linked In! Learn how to: * Leverage the vast Linked In network, with hundreds of millions of members worldwide * Create your Linked In account, explore the Linked In site, and get started fast * Define your goals and create a profile that helps you achieve them * Enhance your profile with multimedia content including images, audio, video, and documents * Connect with people you know-and people you need to know * Make the most of Linked In Messages, In Mail(TM), and Introductions * Systematically build your professional brand * Find new jobs, consulting opportunities, and clients * Optimize and streamline the way you manage contacts * Request, provide, manage, and revise professional recommendations * Use endorsements to demonstrate your expertise * Customize your Linked In home page to view the content that’s most relevant to you * Use Linked In Groups for networking, research, and marketing * Extend the power of Linked In with external tools * Access Linked In from mobile devices * Use Linked In to recruit the world’s best talent * Decide whether to upgrade to a Linked In premium account * Promote your firm with an outstanding Linked In Company Page * Drive maximum value from Linked In Ads and Sponsored Updates