Matthias Armgardt is Full Professor of Civil Law, Ancient History of Law, Roman Law and Modern Private Law at the University of Konstanz, where he currently also holds the position of Prorector for Teaching. His research areas include Roman Law, Talmudic Law, Leibniz´s philosophy and logic of law, as well as European Private Law. Since 2012 he is P.I. of the DFG-ANR research project Juri Log (Jurisprudence and Logic) together with Shahid Rahman (Université de Lille 3).
Patrice Canivez is Full Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy, Director of the Department of Philosophy, Director of the Eric Weil Institute at the University of Lille 3 and member of the Société Française de Philosophie. Together with M. Crubellier he is editor of the series “Philosophy” at the Presses Universitaires du Septentrion (Lille). He has published books and articles on Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Rousseau, Hannah Arendt, Paul Ricoeur, Eric Weil and on problems of contemporary political philosophy.
Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet is Full Professor of Private Law at the Université Lille 2, co-director of the Centre René Demogue (CRD&P, EA 4487) and member of the team at the head of the “Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société” of Lille. Her research focuses on the theory of law, contract law and alternative dispute resolution. She has published books and articles on contractualization, globalization of the law and legal argumentation.
3 Електронні книги від Patrice Canivez
Matthias Armgardt & Patrice Canivez: Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic
This volume explores the relation between legal reasoning and logic from both a historical and a systematic perspective. The topics addressed include, among others, conditional legal acts, disju …
Dov M. Gabbay & Patrice Canivez: Approaches to Legal Rationality
Legal theory, political sciences, sociology, philosophy, logic, artificial intelligence: there are many approaches to legal argumentation. Each of them provides specific insights into highly complex …
Marcelo Perine & Francisco Valdério: Filosofia e realidade em Eric Weil
Como se poderá verificar, o livro Filosofia e realidade em Eric Weil não se ocupa apenas em reproduzir in verbis o pensamento de Weil, mas assume posições muito claras no plano do debate filosófico, …