God’s Mighty Acts in China
In The China Chronicles, Paul Hattaway draws on more than thirty years’ experience in China and numerous interviews with church leaders to provide insight into how the Living God brought about the largest revival in the history of Christianity.
With more than 18 million believers—the largest number in any province in China—Henan has emerged as the Christian heart and soul of the world’s most populated country.
In this book, the fifth in the series, Hattaway records the many attempts to reach the people of Henan with the gospel.
The China Chronicles Series:
Book 1: Shandong
Book 2: Guizhou
Book 3: Zhejang
Book 4: Tibet
Book 5: Henan
Book 6: Xinjiang
Foreword by Moses Xie
Reactions from Christians in China
The China Chronicles Overview
Note to the Reader
Chapter One: The Jews of Henan
Chapter Two: Early Christians in Henan
Chapter Three: 1870s and 1880s
Chapter Four: 1890s
Chapter Five: 1900s
Chapter Six: Jonathan Goforth
Chapter Seven: 1910s
Chapter Eight: 1920s
Chapter Nine: Marie Monsen
Chapter Ten: 1930s
Chapter Eleven: 1940s and 1950s
Chapter Twelve: 1960s and 1970s
Chapter Thirteen: The Born-Again Movement
Chapter Fourteen: 1980s
Chapter Fifteen: The Nanyang Church
Chapter Sixteen: The China Gospel Fellowship
Chapter Seventeen: 1990s
Chapter Eighteen: The Fangcheng Church
Chapter Nineteen: 2000s
Chapter Twenty: 2010s
Chapter Twenty-One: The Future of the Church in Henan
A: Table of Evangelical Christians in Henan (1875–2020)
B: Map of Christians in Henan
C: Map of China’s Christians
D: A Survey of Christians in China
E: Table of Christians in Henan
Selected Bibliography
About the Author
About Asia Harvest
Про автора
Paul Hattaway has served as a missionary in China for thirty years, gradually gaining the trust of Christian leaders throughout the country. He is the author of numerous books, including The Heavenly Man and his autobiography An Asian Harvest, and is the founder and director of Asia Harvest.