Автор: Peer Vries

Dr. Peer Vries ist Professor für Globalgeschichte an der Universität Wien. Er hat Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte in Leiden (Niederlande) studiert und ist dort promoviert worden.

3 Електронні книги від Peer Vries

Peer Vries: Ursprünge des modernen Wirtschaftswachstums
On the one hand the rich industrialized countries, on the other the poor developing and emerging nations. Beginning in the 18th century Europe experienced enormous economic development surpassing tha …
Peer Vries: State, Economy and the Great Divergence
State, Economy and the Great Divergence provides a new analysis of what has become the central debate in global economic history: the ”great divergence” between European and Asian growth. Focusing …
Peer Vries: State, Economy and the Great Divergence
State, Economy and the Great Divergence provides a new analysis of what has become the central debate in global economic history: the ”great divergence” between European and Asian growth. Focusing …