In the Field of Unintended Consequences is a book of poems featuring ecological and philosophical themes. It is largely unrhymed verse but breaks into rhymed verse at times in a style that is influenced by rap and other popular music.
Wild Chervil 1
Quilted Pillows 25
Openings 37
Black Garnet 45
China 47
Springs 53
From the Book of Numinous Dreams 57
Letter to Space 65
Everywhere men speak in whispers 67
The Coracon Function 69
Philosophy Library 71
Gingko and footnotes 73
Notes 89
Acknowledgements 97
Biographical Note 99
Про автора
Peter Schneider is a poet and psychotherapist. Now retired from his therapy practice, he splits his time between Brooklyn, NY and Rochester, VT. In the Field of Unintended Consequences is his second full-length poetry collection. His debut collection, The Map is Not the Territory was published in 2018n by Anaphora Literary Press. His MFA is from Columbia University and his Ph D in Clinical Psychology is from New York University.