Автор: Petronius Arbiter

Gaius Petronius Arbiter, known more commonly as Petronius, was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is acknowledged for his authorship of “The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter”, a Latin work of fiction that is considered one of the earliest and most sophisticated examples of the satirical novel. The precise dates of his birth and death are uncertain, but it is generally accepted that Petronius thrived in the mid-1st century AD. “The Satyricon”, a fragmented text surviving in parts, offers a vivid portrayal of Roman society and is noted for its humorous and often sardonic observation of that culture”s peculiarities. Much of what is known about Petronius comes from Tacitus” “Annals”, where he is described as an arbiter of elegance and taste at the court of Nero, holding the unique role of “arbiter elegantiarum”. Petronius” literary style in “The Satyricon” blends realism with elements of fantasy, and his work is characterized by a conversational tone and linguistic ingenuity. The narrative”s most complete section, known as “Trimalchio”s Dinner”, presents a rich portrayal of a nouveau-riche banquet, showcasing Petronius” remarkable talent for social commentary and his deep understanding of the human condition. Petronius” influence extends beyond antiquity; “The Satyricon” has inspired countless artistic and literary interpretations, cementing his legacy as a master of satire and prose.

27 Електронні книги від Petronius Arbiter

Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. We have nothin …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon — Complete
The Satyricon is a Roman work of fiction believed to have been written by Gaius Petronius or Petronius Arbiter, as he is more commonly known. The book is an example of Menippean satire, which is very …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
In the classical tale ‘The Satyricon, ‘ Petronius Arbiter makes a strong, yet humorous, statement about the social life of the Romans. Rather than telling the story of Encolpius and his companions he …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
The Satyricon is a Latin work of fiction in a mixture of prose and poetry. It is believed to have been written by Gaius Petronius Arbiter, though the manuscript tradition identifies the author as a c …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon – Volume 04 : Escape by Sea
The Satyricon – Volume 04 : Escape by Sea by Petronius Arbiter. Translated by W. C. Firebaugh libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience …
James Joyce & John Cleland: The Collected Works of Love, Lust and Passion
This comprehensive e Book presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 14819 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • TH …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
This manuscript is described as ‘Fragments from the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Books of the Satire of Petronius Arbiter’; we may assume, therefore, that the whole Satire was immensely long, a life-work, …
Petronius Arbiter: Le Satyricon
Voici longtemps que je promets de vous narrer mes aventures, si bien que j’ai résolu de donner suite, aujourd’hui même, à cet engagement: car, moins pour éclaircir de doctes problèmes que pour animer …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
The Satyricon is one of the most outrageous and strikingly modern works to have survived from the ancient world. Most likely written by an advisor of Nero, it recounts the adventures of Encolpius and …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon — Complete
The Satyricon is one of the most outrageous and strikingly modern works to have survived from the ancient world. Most likely written by an advisor of Nero, it recounts the adventures of Encolpius and …
Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon
Documenting the colourful escapades of the former gladiator Encolpius and his less than faithful lover Giton, the "Satyricon" plunges the reader into the lives of ordinary Roman citizens, v …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
According to Wikipedia: ‘Satyricon (or Satyrica) is a Latin work of fiction in a mixture of prose and poetry. It is believed to have been written by Gaius Petronius, though the manuscript tradition i …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
The Satyricon is a Roman work of prose and poetry believed to have been written by Petronius Arbiter in the 1st century A.D. This edition includes a table of contents. …
Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon
The Satyricon, Satyricon liber (The Book of Satyrlike Adventures), or Satyrica, is a Latin work of fiction believed to have been written by Gaius Petronius, though the manuscript tradition identifies …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
In the classical tale “The Satyricon”, Petronius Arbiter makes a strong, yet humorous, statement about the social life of ancient Rome. Rather than telling the story of Encolpius and his companions h …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon
This manuscript is described as ‘Fragments from the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Books of the Satire of Petronius Arbiter’; we may assume, therefore, that the whole Satire was immensely long, a life-work, …
Petronius Arbiter & Pétrone: Le Satyricon
description_du_livre Le ‘Satyricon’ est une anthologie d’une importance littéraire exceptionnelle qui explore les thèmes de la décadence, de la satire sociale et des mœurs à travers une fresque narra …
Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon: Begebenheiten des Enkolp
Dieses e Book: ‘Satyricon: Begebenheiten des Enkolp’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Satyricon oder Satyrikon ist ein nu …
Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon: Begebenheiten des Enkolp
Das Werk ‘Satyricon: Begebenheiten des Enkolp’ von Petronius Arbiter ist ein fesselnder Roman, der im antiken Rom spielt und als frühes Beispiel der Satire gilt. Der Autor präsentiert ein Kaleidoskop …
Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter
The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter is a seminal work of Roman literature, celebrated for its innovative narrative style and vivid portrayal of low-life society during the Neronian era. Blending prose …
Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon
The Satyricon, Satyricon liber (The Book of Satyrlike Adventures), or Satyrica, is a Latin work of fiction believed to have been written by Gaius Petronius, though the manuscript tradition identifies …
Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon: Begebenheiten des Enkolp
Das ‘Satyricon’ von Petronius Arbiter ist ein faszinierendes Werk der antiken Literatur, das in Form eines Erzählrahmens die Abenteuer des Protagonisten Enkolp zeigt. Das Buch beleuchtet die Exzesse …
Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon: Begebenheiten des Enkolp
In ‘Satyricon: Begebenheiten des Enkolp’ entfaltet Petronius Arbiter ein facettenreiches Bild der römischen Gesellschaft zur Zeit Neros. Mit einem scharfen Blick für das Absurde und Groteske wird die …
Voltaire & Jaroslav Hašek: Die größten Klassiker der Satire
E-artnow präsentiert die größten Klassiker der Satire in der Weltliteratur. Bis heute wird die tiefere Wahrheit oft am besten mit einer Prise Ironie akzeptiert, diskutiert und verarbeitet. Unter dem …
Voltaire & Jaroslav Hašek: Lachen gegen die Dunkelheit – Meisterwerke der Satire
E-artnow stellt die bedeutendsten satirischen Werke der Weltliteratur vor. Die subtilere Wahrheit wird bis heute oft am besten durch Ironie vermittelt, diskutiert und verstanden. Hinter dem Vorhang d …
Plutarch & Livy: The Greatest Classics of Roman Literature
The Greatest Classics of Roman Literature masterfully curates an expansive array of works that span the vast chronological and stylistic spectrum of Roman literary heritage. Moving seamlessly from th …
Ovid & Horace: The Classics of Ancient Rome: 30+ Masterpieces of Latin Literature
The Classics of Ancient Rome: 30+ Masterpieces of Latin Literature is a meticulously edited anthology that encapsulates the essence of Roman thought, culture, and artistry. Capturing the epochs of Ro …