While there have been scholarly commentaries on the philosophy of fashion, none yet have attempted to engage fashion on its own hybrid, inflected, and heterogeneous terms. Celebrating the plurality and audacity inherent in its subject, Fashion Statements presents insightful, playful, and accessible essays on the philosophy of fashion.
Just Looks; R.Scapp & B.Seitz New Look You Cannes Come In Here Dressed Like That: A True Story in Two Shoes; E.Norris The Head Monkey at Paris: Henry David Thoreau on Fashion; D.Krell Tech Savvy: Technology as the New Fashion Statement; A.Chin Fashion Statements: Communication and Culture; M.Barnard Fleshing It Out: The Tyranny of the ALine Skirt; bell hooks Osh Kosh B’Gosh; M.O’ Donoghue Is Clothing Art?; J.Weinstein Fashion Advice from the Anti-Christ; L.Hartunian Puro High Life; M.Rojas Irony killed by the Ironic T-shirt and the True Religion of the American Jean; A.O’ Neil Jackie O., Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Chanel; E.Fridland & A.Porter The Hat’s the Thing; J.Wagner ‘Pod Peeps: Why The i Pod And Other Gadgets Are Fashion Staples In The ‘Hood; L.D.Johnson Dressed to Kill, Or: Women’s Right to Bare Arms; K.Oliver The Naked Truth of Anti-Fashion Philosophy; N.Pappas Vivienne Westwood: Keeping Critique Alive; S.Murphy Fashion at a Glance; E.S.Casey Retro Look Plato’s Greater Hippias; A.A.Anderson , translator
Про автора
Brian Seitz is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Babson College, USA.