Dr Rajalakshmi Selvaraj is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. She holds a doctorate in Network Security, and has published 45 articles in various international journals and edited volumes.Dr Kuthadi Venu Madhav is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on the generation of a security pattern to safeguard data that is transmitted over a network by introducing an adaptive pre-processing technique using principal component analysis.
1 Електронні книги від Rajalakshmi Selvaraj
Kuthadi Venu Madhav: Ensuring Network Security through the Use of the Honeypot Technique
In modern technology networks, security plays an important role in safeguarding data. Detecting the threats posed by hackers, and capturing the data about such attacks are known as the virtual honeyp …