This book presents systematic scientific appraisal, classification, genesis and viable technologies for reclamation and management of salt-affected soils and marginal quality waters across India and several other countries. Nature, solubility and geo-chemical mobility of salts have been provided as basis for the development of alkali and saline soils and groundwaters under specific agro-hydro-ecological regions. Chemical amendment (gypsum) based reclamation technology of alkali soils and related pre and post-reclamation water, nutrient and crop management interventions, including re-sodification issues have been comprehensively addressed. Features and operational guidelines of surface, subsurface, vertical and bio-drainage systems have been thoroughly discussed; likewise, amelioration of irrigation induced saline soils in inland and coastal regions and preventive measures for control of salinity and waterlogging along with environmental trade-offs. Practical approaches for amelioration and judicious use of saline, alkali, high SAR- saline and waste waters have been synthesized for different cropping and agro- forestry systems. Emerging issues on use of industrial by-products as amendments for alkali soils, physiological aspects of salt resistance, anatomical and biochemical mechanism of submergence tolerance, specific ion effects of poor quality waters, crop diversification, groundwater recharge, rejuvenation of tsunami affected coastal soils, safety against occurrence of poisonous gas in tube well pits, paddy straw burning and others have been adequately deliberated upon.
Combining scientific principles with field experiences, the book is expected to serve as a useful knowledge base for research workers, teachers and students of soil science, agronomy, plant breeding, forestry, irrigation engineering, extension workers, environmentalists and planners associated with reclamation and management of salt affected soils and waters on sustainable basis in developing and developed countries.
Chapter 1. Nature and Origin of Salts, Classification, Area and Distribution of Salt-affected Soils.- Chapter 2. Saline Soils.- Chapter 3. Management and Reclamation of Saline Soils.- Chapter 4. Biodrainage.- Chapter 5. Alkali Soils.- Chapter 6. Reclamation and Management of Alkali Soils for Crop Production.- Chapter 7. Nutrient Management in Salt-affected Soils.- Chapter 8. Irrigation Water: Quality Criteria.- Chapter 9. Irrigation and Salinity Control.- Chapter 10. Wastewaters as Non-conventional Sources of Irrigation.- Chapter 11. Trees and Grasses as Alternate Strategies for Management of Salt-affected Soils.- Chapter 12. Environmental Impact of Reclamation of Salt-affected Soils and Intensive Irrigated Agriculture.
Про автора
Dr. Ranbir Chhabra worked as Principal Scientist (Soil Chemistry & Fertility) and Head, Division of Soil & Crop Management at ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India.
For the last 45 years, Dr. Chhabra conducted basic and applied research in the field of Reclamation and Management of salt-affected soils and developed five technologies. His major work evolves around Chemistry and classification of slat-affected soils, Fertilizer management for sustainable crop production, selection of suitable crops for alkali soils, safe utilisation of fly ash use of wastewaters through forestry (Karnal technology), afforestation of alkali wastelands through pit-auger hole technology, bio-drainage to control waterlogging and prevent secondary salinization in canal irrigated areas, prevention of deaths due to asphyxia in dug wells, delineation of causes of declining water table in rice growing areas and their preventive measures; and development of short term and long term measures to revive agriculture in tsunami affected areas.
Dr. Chhabra travelled widely to Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, U.K., Indonesia, Russia, and Brazil and interacted with International Scientists on the problems related to management of salt-affected soils, efficient use of fertilizers, waterlogging, drainage and preventing pollution due to wastewaters. He taught an International course of Soil Salinity and Water Quality to the Post Graduate students at Centre for Irrigation Engineering, KUL, Belgium for seven years.