Rural Women’s Health encompasses the breadth and depth of the unique physical and psychological needs facing rural women throughout the United States and Canada, and identifies positive interventions and outcomes. Raymond T. Coward, founding editor of The Journal of Rural Health, along with five leading practitioners and researchers with contributions from over 25 educators, authors, program leaders, and researchers representing the multidisciplinary spectrum of rural health professionals, present the most comprehensive coverage on rural women’s health that exists today.
Key issues covered include:
- Socio-cultural stressors
- Policy changes
- Barriers to accessing mental health treatment
- Obesity and risk factors
- Behavioral risk factors
- Chronic diseases
- Exercise, nutrition, and health promotion programs
- Education and telehealth
This is a valuable resource for mental health service providers, gerontologists, social workers, psychologists, counselors, and primary care physicians.
Behavioral Health of Rural Women: Challenges and Stressors, Pamela L. Mulder and Warren Lambert Policy Issues Affecting the Success of a Rural Womenís Health Agenda, Kathleen M. Mc Namara Differences in Mental Health Indicators and Psychotropic Drug Use Between Rural and Non Rural Older Women, Carol Hancock Gold, Kelli L. Dominick, Frank M. Ahern, and Debra A. Heller Obesity in Rural Women: Emerging Risk Factors and Hypotheses, C Christine M. Olson and Carion F. Bove Preterm Delivery and Low Birthweight Among Rural Women: The Importance of the Preconceptual Physical and Mental Health Status, Marianne M. Hillmemeier, Carol S. Weisman, Gary A. Chase, and Megan Romer Mental Health Parity Still Evading Rural Women, Jane Nelson Bolin Mental Health Care Utilization and Expenditures Among Rural Women, Judith Shinogle Understanding Mental Health Service Use Among Rural Women, Sarah Gehlert, Kelly Kovac, In Han Song, and S. Ann Hartlage Behavioral Risk Factors, Chronic Diseases, Health Care Access, and Health Status of Rural American Indian Women in Oklahoma, Janis E. Campbell, Zoran Bursac, and Lisa Perkins The Role of Resources in the Emotional Health of African American Women: Rural and Urban Comparisons, Paula Y. Goodwin, Sharon Wallace Williams, and Peggye Dilworth Anderson Effects of Race and Poverty on Perceived Stress Among Rural Women, Janice C. Probst, Charity G. Moore, and Elizabeth G. Baxley Evaluation of Nutrition Education and Exercise in a Health Promotion and Wellness Program for Older Adults, Cathy B. Parrett Providing Education and Health Care to Rural Communities Using Telehealth, Denise L. Jameson A Research Agenda for the Future: Linking the Mental, Behavioral and Physical Health of Rural Women, Luanne E. Thorndyke Index’