A Companion to Literature in Film provides state-of-the-art research on world literature, film, and the complex theoretical relationship between them. 25 essays by international experts cover the most important topics in the study of literature and film adaptations.
* Covers a wide variety of topics, including cultural, thematic, theoretical, and genre issues
* Discusses film adaptations from the birth of cinema to the present day
* Explores a diverse range of titles and genres, including film noir, biblical epics, and Italian and Chinese cinema
List of Illustrations viii
Notes on Contributors ix
Preface xiv
Acknowledgments xvi
1 Novels, Films, and the Word/Image Wars 1
Kamilla Elliott
2 Sacred Word, Profane Image: Theologies of Adaptation 23
Ella Shohat
3 Gospel Truth? From Cecil B. De Mille to Nicholas Ray 46
Pamela Grace
4 Transécriture and Narrative Mediatics: The Stakes of
Intermediality 58
André Gaudreault and Philippe Marion
5 The Look: From Film to Novel. An Essay in Comparative
Narratology 71
François Jost
6 Adaptation and Mis-adaptations: Film, Literature, and Social
Discourses 81
Francesco Casetti
7 The Invisible Novelty: Film Adaptations in the 1910s 92
Yuri Tsivian
8 Italy and America: Pinocchio’s First Cinematic Trip
Raffaele De Berti
9 The Intertextuality of Early Cinema: A Prologue to
Fantômas 127
Tom Gunning
10 Cosmopolitan Projections: World Literature on Chinese Screens
Zhang Zhen
11 The Rhetoric of Interruption 164
Allen S. Weiss
12 Visualizing the Voice: Joyce, Cinema, and the Politics of
Vision 171
Luke Gibbons
13 Adapting Cinema to History: A Revolution in the Making
Dudley Andrew
14 Photographic Verismo, Cinematic Adaptation, and the Staging
of a Neorealist Landscape 205
Noa Steimatsky
15 The Devil’s Parody: Horace Mc Coy’s Appropriation
and Refiguration of Two Hollywood Musicals 229
Charles Musser
16 The Sociological Turn of Adaptation Studies: The Example of
Film Noir 258
R. Barton Palmer
17 Adapting Farewell, My Lovely 278
William Luhr
18 Daphne du Maurier and Alfred Hitchcock 298
Richard Allen
19 Running Time: The Chronotope of The Loneliness of the Long
Distance Runner 326
Peter Hitchcock
20 From Libertinage to Eric Rohmer: Transcending
‘Adaptation’ 343
Maria Tortajada
21 The Moment of Portraiture: Scorsese Reads Wharton 358
Brigitte Peucker
22 The Talented Poststructuralist: Hetero-masculinity, Gay
Artifice, and Class Passing 368
Chris Straayer
23 From Bram Stoker’s Dracula to Bram Stoker’s
‘Dracula’ 385
Margaret Montalbano
24 The Bible as Cultural Object(s) in Cinema 399
Gavriel Moses
25 All’s Wells that Ends Wells: Apocalypse and Empire in
The War of the Worlds 423
Julian Cornell
Index 448
Про автора
Robert Stam is University Professor at New York University. His many books include Film Theory: An Introduction (Blackwell, 2000), Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media (with Ella Shohat, 1994), and Subversive Pleasures: Bakhtin, Cultural Criticism and Film (1989). With Toby Miller, he is the editor of Film and Theory (Blackwell, 2000) and The Blackwell Companion to Film Theory (2000).
Alessandra Raengo is finishing her Ph D in the Cinema Studies Department at New York University, where she occasionally teaches. Her dissertation explores race and vernacular social criticism in American culture between 1945 and 1968. Among her publications are The Birth of Film Genres (1999) and The Bounds of Representation (2000), both multilingual volumes edited with Leonardo Quaresima and Laura Vichi.