Divided into four main sections, this monograph presents the theory of propagation and excitation of volume and surface electromagnetic waves in anisotropic polar and nonpolar conducting crystals, together with the effects of external magnetic and strong electric fields. It also investigates the spectrum of bulk, as well as surface phonon-plasmon polaritons in uniaxial semiconductors, and electromagnetic instabilities leading to the generation and amplification of radiowaves. Additional topics include total transmission, magnon-plasmon polaritons, and the influence of hot 2D carriers.
This unparalleled systematic treatment includes novel research on special topics in the field, such as the peculiarities of the polaritons in anisotropic semiconductors in the presence of mobile charge carriers.
Part 1 Volume Electromagnetic Waves in Anisotropic Crystals with Electronic Plasma (Roland H. Tarkhanyan)
1 Influence of the Anisotropy on the Spectrum and Propagation of Electromagnetic, Plasma and Lattice Optical Vibrations
2 Bulk Polaritons in Uniaxial Polar Semiconductors
3 Radio Waves and Polaritons in the Presence of an External Static Magnetic Field
4 Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves From the Surface of Uniaxial Semiconductors
Part 2 Surface and Interface Electromagnetic Waves in Semiconductor Structures (Roland H. Tarkhanyan)
5 Surface Polaritons in Uniaxial Semiconductors
6 Surface Waves in a Uniaxial Semiconductor Slab
7 Interface Magnon-Plasmon Polaritons and
Total Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves Through a Semiconductor/Antiferromagnet Layered Structure
8 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves on a Lateral Surface of a Ferrite/Semiconductor Superlattice at Quantum Hall Effect Conditions
Part 3 Electromagnetic Instabilities in Uniaxial Semiconductors with Hot Carriers (Roland H. Tarkhanyan)
9 Excitation and Amplification of the Bulk Electromagnetic Waves
10 Instabilities of Surface Electromagnetic Waves and Excitation of Guided Charge Density Waves in Semiconductor Heterostructures
Part 4 Radiation of a Dipole Source in the Presence of a Grounded Gyromagnetic Dielectric Medium (Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu)
11 Radiation of a Dipole in the Presence of a Grounded Gyromagnetic Slab
Про автора
Roland H. Tarkhanyan received his Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1966 from the A.F. Ioffe Phys. Tech. Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, and his Dr. Habil. degree in Physics and Mathematics in 1980 from the High Examining Board in the Ministerial Council of the USSR, Moscow. He started working with the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia, in 1966 and now holds the position of Leading Scientist there. Among his other postitions were a professorship at Yerevan State University and a post as Visiting Researcher at the Technical University of Athens and at the Greek National Research Center ‘Demokritos’. He is the author of 87 publications in refereed international journals on theoretical solid state and semiconductor physics.
Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 1974 and 1976 from the University of Essex, UK. Since 1987 he is Professor of the National Technical University of Athens, Department of Electrical Engineering, where he was elected as Chairman twice. His research interests include electromagnetic scattering radiation phenomena, fiber optics telecommunications and high speed circuits. In 1981 he obtained the International G. Marconi award in Telecommunications. He has published over 200 articles in journals as well as three books on Microwaves, Fiber Optics Telecommunications and Radar Systems.