Reidar Andersen worked for many years in the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. In 2005 he became Professor in Conservation Biology at the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has been leading several cross-disciplinary research projects focusing on ungulates and large carnivores, always aiming to produce applied knowledge, securing sustainable management of the species involved. Since 2009 he has become part of the Directorate team at the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Conservation.
6 Електронні книги від Rory Putman
Rory Putman: Principles of Ecology
As Ecology teachers ourselves we have become increasingly aware of the lack of a single comprehensive textbook of Ecvlogy which we can recommend unreservedly to our students. While general, review te …
Rory Putman & Frauke Ohl: The Biology and Management of Animal Welfare
This book provides a concise and up to date review of current knowledge on the biological processes affecting animal welfare, and the implications emerging from our improved understanding of those bi …
Rory Putman: Behaviour and Management of European Ungulates
Considers a number of issues affecting ungulates and their management in different parts of Europe and evaluates effective management solutions Das E-Book Behaviour and Management of European Ungulat …
Rory Putman: Understanding Animal Behaviour
A highly readable and accessible introduction to current knowledge about the way animals behave Das E-Book Understanding Animal Behaviour wird angeboten von Whittles Publishing und wurde mit folgende …