‘[A] great guide and resource for a nurse at any level who wishes to construct and present a professional nurse portfolio.’– Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
‘With an academic portfolio nursing faculty members can monitor their career development and present their work for others to review and critique. This is an easy-to-read book that will serve as a valuable resource for nursing faculty members in developing their academic portfolios.’
Marilyn H. Oermann , Ph D, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Professor and Chair of Adult and Geriatric Health
School of Nursing
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Using the Fast Facts style of concise, easy-to-access information, this book is the only comprehensive guide to creating an outstanding professional academic portfolio for entry into, and promotion and tenure within, an academic nursing setting. It is designed for recent nursing graduates who want to teach, faculty who need to polish their academic portfolio, and individuals already established in academia who seek promotion or tenure.
This volume will help nursing academics:- Assess their strengths and weaknesses
- Write a personal statement
- Demonstrate their teaching skills
- Showcase their research/scholarship
- Organize and present their portfolio
- Develop an E-portfolio
The book provides clear guidelines on what to include in a professional portfolio, and elements to highlight when seeking work in a specific discipline or academic role. It describes pitfalls to be avoided and how to insure effective coverage of teaching, scholarship, and service, as well as addresses the differences between systems and policies of academia, versus those of community college nursing programs and diploma schools of nursing. This guide also helps prepare nurses for the rigors of promotion and tenure by clarifying what to expect and how candidates are evaluated. Numerous examples illustrate actual professional faculty experience and include personal statements written by successful nurse educators.
Key Features:- Provides a concise, step-by-step guide for aspiring, new, and experienced nurse faculty who need to prepare an outstanding professional portfolio for promotion and tenure
- Organized for quick access to types of content to be included in portfolio
- Includes numerous examples from real-life portfolios
- Features ‘Fast Facts in a Nutshell’ to clearly guide new nurse faculty
- Provides recommendations for achieving academic advancement
- Based on SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) method of communication
Part I: Using SBAR to Create Academic Portfolios for Nurse Educators: Recommendations for Achieving Effective Academic Advancement
Chapter 1:Situation – Why You Need to Develop Your Academic Portfolio!
Chapter 2:Background – Whatís the Story and Purpose behind Your Academic Portfolio?
Chapter 3:Assessment ñ Assessing the Academic Environment and Your career Goals
Chapter 4:Recommendations ñ Laying the Foundation to Begin the Process
Part II:The How of Developing Your Academic Portfolio
Chapter 5:How to Write a Five Part Personal Statement
Chapter 6:How to Showcase Your Teaching
Chapter 7:How to Showcase Your Research and/ or Scholarship
Chapter 8:How to Showcase Your Service
Chapter 9:How to Write an Integrative Summary
Chapter 10:How to Arrange and Present Your Portfolio
Chapter 11:How to Develop an E-portfolio ñ Dr. Fran Cornelius
Part III ñ Examples
Chapter 12: An Academic Portfolio for Promotion ñ Dr. Karen Gittings
Chapter 13: An Academic Portfolio for Tenure ñ Dr. Roberta Waite
Appendix: Contributorís Biographies
Про автора
Ruth A. Wittmann-Price, Ph D, RN, CNS, CNE, CNEcl, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN
Dean of Thomas Edison State University School of Nursing
National League for Nursing’s Academy of Nursing Education Fellow
American Academy of Nursing Fellow
Professor and Chair of Undergraduate Nursing
Thomas Jefferson College of Nursing
Center City, Philadelphia