Disruption is everywhere: it presents both great opportunities and significant threats.
Do you know how to shape your strategy to respond?
What if you had a game plan to navigate disruption?
The Disruption Game Plan presents a tried and tested framework to help senior leaders think differently about disruptive trends and emergent risks, and to act differently when making decisions, joining up thinking on innovation, risk, sustainability and strategy.
By revealing how we can more effectively deal with challenging business environments, this book will help any curious and ambitious senior leader to go beyond a short-term, fire-fighting response, and instead set out to ‘change the game’.
Ruth Murray-Webster is a consultant and expert in risk and organizational change. A former head of the Risk in the Boardroom practice for a major consultancy with extensive senior practitioner experience, Ruth now works with a wide range of public, private and third sector clients through her consultancy Potentiality UK to unlock the potential performance from uncertainty and change.
Eleanor Winton is a consultant and expert in disruption, innovation and foresight and the former head of the Future Institute for a major consultancy. She has extensive experience of working with senior teams to stimulate creative thought and action. Through her consultancy Foresightfully, Eleanor works with organizations to understand what the future might hold for them and to develop innovative strategies in response.
Table of Contents
Include the full Table of Contents, with detailed summaries of each chapter. You’re aiming to give a comprehensive, detailed map of what the book will contain.
Part 1: The Call to Action
1. What’s disruption and why the need to act? Establishes the premise and rationale for the book – what’s broken and how we can act to fix it.
2. Dealing with uncertainty without a crystal ball: Outlining the organisational barriers to establishing an effective and consistent game plan for addressing disruption – provides the warrant for the framework described in Chapters 3-6 incl.
Part 2: Developing and maintaining your Game Plan
3. Stimulate and Motivate
Requiring a creative mindset to look widely at what’s happening and what’s possible
4. Facilitate Debate
Requiring an explorative mindset which ensures that alternative viewpoints and options are considered
5. Innovate and Mitigate
Requiring a decisive mindset to commit to action
6. Update and Anticipate
Requiring a curious mindset to ensure the game plan stays relevant
Part 3: Getting started
7. What now?
Bringing the key messages together and a reminder of the call to action. Gives the reader a start point as soon as they put the book down.
Про автора
Eleanor Winton is an experienced consultant and recognized keynote speaker on Disruption, Foresight and Innovation. In over 16 years as a consultant, she has helped hundreds of organizations in almost every sector to identify disruptive trends and develop a plan to address those. Prior to setting up Foresightfully in 2017, Eleanor led KPMG LLP’s Future Institute in the UK. Eleanor is experienced in working with Boards and Executive teams and has designed and led thousands of workshops focused on driving innovation and change. She is well known for her high energy and engaging style which inspires those she works with to engage with the art of the possible and to break silos to drive collaboration. Her background in forensic investigations is key to her unique approach, which combines creativity with rigour and analytical thinking to ensure that innovation is closely aligned with organizational strategy and results. She wrote the foreword for UKWA’s report Feeding London in 2030